Directory of Cities and Towns in Kween, Uganda

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Alphabetical listing of Places in Kween

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Binyin city Kween Uganda 1.42 34.53 6709 26820
Binyiny city Kween Uganda 1.42 34.53 6709 26820
Chepsikunya city Kween Uganda 1.55 34.54 3772 987
Kabchogin city Kween Uganda 1.38 34.65 6020 20629
Kaburon city Kween Uganda 1.39 34.61 7001 17687
Kaburoron city Kween Uganda 1.39 34.61 7001 17687
Kapchoken city Kween Uganda 1.38 34.65 6020 20629
Kaproron city Kween Uganda 1.39 34.61 7001 17687
Ngenge city Kween Uganda 1.50 34.50 4189 5259
Olomon city Kween Uganda 1.43 34.55 6062 22174
Seretyo city Kween Uganda 1.55 34.48 3746 1039
Toskin city Kween Uganda 1.42 34.53 6709 26820
Tugumo city Kween Uganda 1.43 34.53 5869 23380
Tugumu city Kween Uganda 1.43 34.53 5869 23380
Tuskini city Kween Uganda 1.42 34.53 6709 26820

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