
Alphabetical listing of Places in World

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Goga city Fuzuli Azerbaijan 39.59 47.03 2509 3361
Goga city Khulna Bangladesh 22.95 88.90 19 116449
Goga city Gitega Burundi -3.66 29.81 6709 24600
Goga city Uttar Pradesh India 27.55 77.78 830 72876
Goga city Uttar Pradesh India 26.86 83.93 249 56818
Goga city Jharkhand India 25.15 87.71 830 53893
Goga city Okinawa Japan 26.63 128.00 9 26421
Goga city Grand Bassa Liberia 6.35 -9.70 830 344
Goga city Zamfara Nigeria 12.20 6.73 1669 53661
Goga city Zamfara Nigeria 12.71 6.53 1145 10392
Goga city Sindh Pakistan 27.54 67.76 104 24883
Goga city Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Pakistan 34.53 73.10 4527 24436
Goga city Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Pakistan 34.50 73.30 5869 24436
Goga city Prahova Romania 44.88 26.13 347 25821
Goga Chak city Bihar India 25.09 86.67 173 146059
Goga Kher city Madhya Pradesh India 22.72 76.09 1771 68427
Goga Milo city Sindh Pakistan 25.11 70.02 209 6109
Goga Rai city Uttar Pradesh India 26.69 84.11 219 139849
Goga Sarāi city Bihar India 25.28 83.74 203 65601
Goga Veri city Sindh Pakistan 24.46 70.05 72 6109
Goga Veri city Sindh Pakistan 24.46 70.06 124 6109
Goga-ka-Khera city Rajasthan India 25.55 75.31 1187 21059
Gogaba city Jubbada Hoose Somalia -0.20 41.23 275 3039
Gogabli city Grand Bassa Liberia 5.92 -9.83 380 1107
Gogabli city Grand Bassa Liberia 5.88 -9.88 364 975
Gogadapondi city Odisha India 18.53 82.65 3349 16071
Gogadeo city Uttar Pradesh India 27.32 78.73 830 43014
Gogadze city Ach'ara Georgia 41.56 42.16 5318 4152
Gogadzeebi city Ach'ara Georgia 41.56 42.16 5318 4152
Gogadzeyebi city Ach'ara Georgia 41.56 42.16 5318 4152
Gogae city Chungnam Korea, Republic of (South) 36.75 127.00 164 56177
Gogae city Chungnam Korea, Republic of (South) 36.17 127.46 1043 66194
Gogae-dong city Hamnam Korea, Dem. Peoples Rep. of (North) 39.66 126.95 1669 7450
Gogaemal city Chungbuk Korea, Republic of (South) 37.05 127.69 830 12313
Gogaemit city Gyeonggi Korea, Republic of (South) 37.32 127.63 160 29006
Gogaemit city Gyeongbuk Korea, Republic of (South) 35.77 129.27 311 34504
Gogagoman city Sulawesi Utara Indonesia 0.74 124.30 1043 31487
Gogahar city Uttar Pradesh India 25.78 81.58 295 91018
Gogahi city Uttar Pradesh India 25.80 82.97 269 93599
Gogahnla city Gbarpolu Liberia 6.93 -10.62 830 149
Gogahnla Number One city Gbarpolu Liberia 6.93 -10.62 830 149
Gogahra city Uttar Pradesh India 25.14 83.10 236 43877
Gogahra city Uttar Pradesh India 25.12 83.18 232 35659
Gogahra city Bihar India 25.11 83.89 255 58512
Gogai city Madhya Pradesh India 23.43 78.63 1774 14362
Gogai city Manica Mozambique -20.29 33.14 830 3576
Gogai city Balochistan Pakistan 30.50 67.45 9228 2682
Gogai city Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Pakistan 34.54 72.48 2509 33883
Gogain city Nimba Liberia 6.79 -8.79 1010 497
Gogaj city Fier Albania 40.67 19.78 1017 18968
Gogajhigund city Jammu and Kashmir India 34.18 74.71 5127 46582
Gogajipathar city Jammu and Kashmir India 33.86 74.69 7549 25961
Gogajora city Jharkhand India 24.43 87.56 387 15745
Gogajt city Elbasan Albania 41.17 19.97 1164 14635
Gogakopé city Togo 7.53 1.30 830 4619
Gogal city Sulawesi Tengah Indonesia 0.57 120.44 377 4076
Gogal city Chhattisgarh India 21.23 82.37 1138 18536
Gogalan city Jammu and Kashmir India 33.54 75.51 12982 14870
Gogalgaon city Maharashtra India 19.43 76.53 1669 22949
Gogalgatti city Karnataka India 16.35 76.62 1190 20701
Gogalgatti city Karnataka India 16.36 76.61 1669 20931
Gogali city Karnataka India 13.82 75.15 2047 10984
Gogali city Sardegna Italy 40.55 9.43 2509 1116
Gogalia city Uttar Pradesh India 26.23 82.24 288 82881
Gogalli city Gangwon Korea, Republic of (South) 38.23 127.21 830 6887
Gogalnagar city Uttar Pradesh India 27.66 79.59 830 52815
Gogaluman city Sulawesi Utara Indonesia 0.99 124.26 154 4632
Gogalvalasa city Odisha India 18.51 82.98 3349 16677
Gogalūme Got city Himachal Pradesh India 32.95 76.20 10938 7265
Gogam city Libya 27.55 14.20 1204 13893
Gogama city Ontario Canada 47.67 -81.72 1125 0
Gogamae city Jeonnam Korea, Republic of (South) 35.32 126.95 111 14381
Gogamandah city Kabul Afghanistan 34.58 69.60 4189 6265
Gogamandai city Kabul Afghanistan 34.58 69.60 4189 6265
Gogamchīdipalle city Andhra Pradesh India 17.77 82.76 351 42783
Gogamion city Sindh Pakistan 25.06 70.12 269 6109
Gogamunda city Kabul Afghanistan 34.58 69.60 4189 6265
Gogamundah city Kabul Afghanistan 34.58 69.60 4189 6265
Gogamundah Kelay city Kabul Afghanistan 34.58 69.60 4189 6265
Gogan city Sistan va Baluchestan Iran 26.60 61.34 3349 596
Gogan city Nepal 29.20 80.43 5029 9536
Gogan city Janakpur Nepal 27.05 86.08 948 16902
Gogan city Pakistan 34.30 73.66 7070 6232
Gogan city Mures Romania 46.30 24.52 1669 3303
Gogan Karhari city Bihar India 24.82 85.57 311 152781
Gogan-Varolea city Mures Romania 46.30 24.52 1669 3303
Gogana Gorakh Tilla city Rajasthan India 29.17 75.03 830 13594
Gogana Jorîn city Sanliurfa Turkey 37.34 37.99 1948 3129
Gogana Jêrîn city Sanliurfa Turkey 37.33 38.03 2014 3129
Goganai city Federally Administered Tribal Areas Pakistan 33.87 70.29 7549 12963
Goganai city Federally Administered Tribal Areas Pakistan 33.78 70.78 6955 12963
Goganbaga city Madang Papua New Guinea -5.75 145.16 6804 1341
Goganbagu city Madang Papua New Guinea -5.75 145.16 6804 1341
Goganda city Odisha India 19.19 83.47 1738 33217
Gogane city Nepal 27.58 85.19 5029 18308
Gogane city Nepal 27.96 85.11 4274 33741
Gogane city Nepal 27.94 85.24 3349 21983
Gogane city Nepal 28.02 85.16 4429 15729
Gogane city Nepal 28.09 85.22 3566 3725
Gogane city Nepal 27.74 86.15 4189 11771
Gogane city Nepal 27.78 86.12 5157 11771
Gogane city Nepal 27.36 85.56 1833 22180
Gogane city Nepal 27.44 85.97 2857 16532
Gogane city Nepal 27.32 86.48 4566 16688
Gogane city Nepal 27.39 86.18 5029 16539
Gogane city Nepal 27.47 86.00 5029 15679
Gogane city Nepal 27.41 86.08 2687 16539
Goganedada city Nepal 27.54 86.11 5029 11914
Goganeḍānḍā city Nepal 27.54 86.11 5029 11914
Goganeḍā̃ḍā city Nepal 27.54 86.11 5029 11914
Gogang city Gyeongbuk Korea, Republic of (South) 35.70 129.06 1669 8429
Gogangdong city Gyeonggi Korea, Republic of (South) 37.53 126.81 104 1317382
Gogango city Queensland Australia -23.67 150.03 830 0
Gogangāon city Nepal 29.20 80.43 5029 9536
Gogani city Uttarakhand India 29.95 79.17 5029 17967
Gogani city Federally Administered Tribal Areas Pakistan 33.87 70.29 7549 12963
Gogano city Mie Japan 34.58 136.40 380 8905
Goganpani city Nepal 27.53 85.88 4189 17725
Goganpani city Nepal 27.43 85.95 4455 16278
Goganpani city Nepal 27.21 86.13 5075 12299
Goganpani city Nepal 27.18 86.44 3349 16600
Goganpāni̇̄ city Nepal 27.54 85.68 5029 29502
Goganpāni̇̄ city Nepal 27.43 85.95 4455 16278
Goganpāni̇̄ city Nepal 27.21 86.13 5075 12299
Goganpāni̇̄ city Nepal 27.21 86.11 5869 11697
Goganpāni̇̄ city Nepal 27.18 86.44 3349 16600
Goganpānī city Nepal 27.54 85.68 5029 29502
Goganpānī city Nepal 27.21 86.11 5869 11697
Gogantar city Nepal 27.50 86.14 2860 13855
Goganwāla city Punjab Pakistan 31.03 70.71 830 9983
Gogao city Quang Ngai Vietnam 15.10 108.47 928 7450
Gogaon city Maharashtra India 20.23 80.02 830 14904
Gogaon city Maharashtra India 18.08 76.26 2037 34775
Gogaon city Maharashtra India 17.62 76.40 1738 22922
Gogaon city Chhattisgarh India 21.27 81.61 931 199997
Gogaon city Maharashtra India 20.47 79.90 830 29083
Gogaon city Uttar Pradesh India 25.22 82.28 282 81755
Gogaon city Uttar Pradesh India 25.21 82.27 272 77907
Gogapur city Madhya Pradesh India 23.56 75.52 1669 22342
Gogar city Jharkhand India 24.04 84.36 1000 32788
Gogar city Limpopo South Africa -22.65 29.45 2509 149
Gogar city City of Edinburgh United Kingdom 55.92 -3.33 262 124050
Gogar Farm city Nakuru Kenya -0.18 35.85 6709 22004
Gogar Istamrār city Bihar India 25.75 87.66 108 62448
Gogaran city Lorri Armenia 40.89 44.20 5994 447
Gogarchin city Azarbayjan-e Sharqi Iran 37.92 46.89 5869 2086
Gogard city Wallonie Belgium 50.63 3.61 196 19494
Gogare city Niger 13.35 2.20 830 1097
Gogarpur city Madhya Pradesh India 24.19 76.26 1161 8633
Gogart city Wallonie Belgium 50.63 3.61 196 19494
Gogarwari city Maharashtra India 19.64 78.28 1669 15635
Gogas city Dagestan Russia 41.68 48.34 1669 8480
Gogasar city Sindh Pakistan 25.19 69.89 98 6109
Gogasar city Sindh Pakistan 25.19 69.89 98 6109
Gogasar city Sindh Pakistan 25.66 70.51 830 5463
Gogasheni city Georgia 41.37 43.30 5869 3765
Gogashi Qabe city Sool Somalia 8.86 48.53 1669 447
Gogata city Niger Nigeria 9.15 6.12 830 5411
Gogata city Niger Nigeria 9.11 5.79 830 7301
Gogata city Niger Nigeria 9.15 5.59 830 6001
Gogata city Niger Nigeria 9.26 6.03 830 4457
Gogata city Niger Nigeria 9.10 6.08 830 48333
Gogatanya city Tolna Hungary 46.35 18.82 321 7511
Gogate city Niger Nigeria 9.33 5.81 830 7301
Gogathala city Rajasthan India 25.07 74.06 1669 27900
Gogatia Bāgāwatān city Rajasthan India 28.59 75.01 830 10780
Gogatia Charnan city Rajasthan India 28.62 75.05 830 22100
Gogatia Kachhāwatān city Rajasthan India 28.60 75.03 830 12553
Gogatia Patta Changai city Rajasthan India 28.65 75.01 830 24773
Gogatia Patta Changoi city Rajasthan India 28.65 75.01 830 24773
Gogatl' city Dagestan Russia 42.80 46.29 5869 3278
Gogatli city Dagestan Russia 42.58 46.10 5308 2169
Gogatl’ city Dagestan Russia 42.80 46.29 5869 3278
Gogatola city Madhya Pradesh India 21.99 80.55 1866 12367
Gogaur city Uttar Pradesh India 25.69 81.71 285 88714
Gogaur city Uttar Pradesh India 25.70 81.70 282 86298
Gogaura city Uttar Pradesh India 26.69 81.69 347 74277
Gogaura city Bihar India 25.59 84.03 183 77555
Gogauri city Uttar Pradesh India 25.68 81.70 285 87348
Gogavan city Lorri Armenia 41.20 44.31 5269 1256
Gogaver city Geghark'unik' Armenia 40.09 45.27 7066 7809
Gogawan city Uttar Pradesh India 27.10 80.53 830 90122
Gogayama city Okinawa Japan 26.65 127.97 98 26895
Gogayemia city Benin 11.00 2.92 961 2099
Gogays city Woqooyi Galbeed Somalia 9.76 43.68 4537 2533
Gogaysa city Woqooyi Galbeed Somalia 9.73 43.51 5314 2533
Gogaysi city Woqooyi Galbeed Somalia 9.76 43.68 4537 2533
Gogaz city Dagestan Russia 41.54 47.68 8389 2135
Gogaz city Dagestan Russia 41.68 48.34 1669 8480
Gogazi city Est Cameroon 4.92 14.37 2509 1339
Gogazi city Est Cameroon 4.85 14.27 2509 1227
Gogaīpura city Madhya Pradesh India 25.52 77.61 1669 8644
Gogaṅpāni̇̄ city Nepal 27.53 85.88 4189 17725

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