
Alphabetical listing of Places in World

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Dipe city Nord-Kivu Congo (Dem. Republic of The)-(Zaire) -1.61 28.01 2096 1192
Dipe city No Haiti 19.60 -72.52 1669 38053
Dipe Jo Goith city Sindh Pakistan 28.19 68.56 180 24992
Dipe Wadgaon city Maharashtra India 18.68 76.26 2509 20413
Dipeane city Central Botswana -21.99 28.17 2598 261
Dipeikkon city Kayin State Burma 16.90 98.03 65 4321
Dipele city Congo (Dem. Republic of The)-(Zaire) 2.99 27.42 2509 298
Dipemau city Uttar Pradesh India 26.16 81.01 380 72636
Dipemudze city Congo (Dem. Republic of The)-(Zaire) 1.37 29.56 3349 3518
Dipen city Guangxi China 24.10 108.34 1158 11156
Dipenda city Sud-Ouest Cameroon 5.07 9.38 5029 6556
Dipendi city Littoral Cameroon 3.62 9.95 3 1341
Dipendrapur city Nepal 27.03 85.43 364 58201
Dipene city Limpopo South Africa -23.22 31.55 830 100
Dipeng city Sichuan China 28.55 105.11 1200 65502
Dipeng city Jiangxi China 28.62 118.17 259 47671
Dipeng city Yunnan China 23.28 105.23 5328 46566
Dipeng city Yunnan China 23.89 105.16 4189 7614
Dipeng city Yunnan China 22.75 103.94 4248 6487
Dipeng city Yunnan China 22.83 103.95 5869 11560
Dipeng city Yunnan China 22.92 104.05 4524 11598
Dipenja city Sud-Ouest Cameroon 5.12 9.04 4189 1490
Dipenntakouani city Benin 10.38 1.07 830 7897
Dipenten city Quirino Philippines 16.29 121.67 830 1788
Dipepur city Punjab Pakistan 31.90 74.08 830 67485
Dipera city Madhya Pradesh India 26.34 77.70 830 23960
Diperler city Afyonkarahisar Turkey 38.73 31.10 3349 32027
Dipero city Equatorial Guinea 3.68 8.88 1991 58091
Dipersdorf city Oberosterreich Austria 48.00 14.12 1669 5409
Dipetleloana city North West South Africa -25.08 28.12 3592 5759
Dipevler city Afyonkarahisar Turkey 38.73 31.10 3349 32027
Dipewala city Punjab Pakistan 30.75 72.60 830 90491
Dipewāla city Punjab Pakistan 29.69 72.49 830 29371

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