
Alphabetical listing of Places in World

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Brug city Noord-Brabant Netherlands 51.60 5.62 42 25726
Bruga city Aargau Switzerland 47.48 8.20 1125 43663
Bruga Walteri city Somerset United Kingdom 51.13 -3.00 16 26763
Brugae city Vlaanderen Belgium 51.21 3.23 9 64183
Brugairolles city Languedoc-Roussillon France 43.12 2.16 830 2861
Brugam Airstrip airport -3.64 142.84 595 0
Brugap city West Sepik Papua New Guinea -3.56 142.24 1669 596
Brugap Villages city West Sepik Papua New Guinea -3.56 142.24 1669 596
Brugarol city Cataluna Spain 41.92 3.18 357 24134
Brugballem city Papua Indonesia -3.99 138.47 7946 1459
Brugeacum city Auvergne France 46.08 3.37 1164 9021
Brugeailles city Auvergne France 45.49 3.74 1876 4135
Brugeilles city Auvergne France 45.34 3.20 2509 1346
Brugelet city Auvergne France 45.49 3.04 3605 744
Brugelette city Wallonie Belgium 50.60 3.85 164 8874
Brugerolles city Auvergne France 45.24 3.44 2093 2435
Bruges city Vlaanderen Belgium 51.21 3.23 9 64183
Bruges city Aquitaine France 44.88 -0.61 32 193018
Bruges city Aquitaine France 43.13 -0.30 1000 4610
Bruges-Saint-Donat city Congo (Dem. Republic of The)-(Zaire) -5.15 27.10 2037 2682
Brugg city Niederosterreich Austria 48.70 15.73 1669 3653
Brugg city Vorarlberg Austria 47.45 9.67 1669 54736
Brugg city Karnten Austria 46.62 13.42 2509 3179
Brugg city Baden-Wurttemberg Germany 47.87 9.91 2509 6556
Brugg city Baden-Wurttemberg Germany 47.71 9.55 1669 49497
Brugg city Bayern Germany 47.65 9.98 2509 7808
Brugg city Aargau Switzerland 47.48 8.20 1125 43663
Brugga city Karnten Austria 46.87 14.43 1929 2682
Bruggach city Bayern Germany 47.58 9.65 1669 17525
Bruggberg city Tirol Austria 47.47 12.13 2509 11312
Brugge city Vlaanderen Belgium 51.21 3.23 9 64183
Brugge city Vlaanderen Belgium 51.13 3.95 9 31596
Brugge city Vlaanderen Belgium 50.79 3.53 108 11055
Brugge city Vlaanderen Belgium 50.76 4.11 150 6844
Brugge city Schleswig-Holstein Germany 54.17 10.07 82 3090
Brugge city Nordrhein-Westfalen Germany 51.21 7.57 938 49788
Brugge city Niedersachsen Germany 52.27 7.05 114 10676
Brugge city Zachodniopomorskie Poland 52.91 14.96 239 3798
Bruggehof city Zuid-Holland Netherlands 51.73 4.63 0 30788
Bruggemann city Yap Federated States of Micronesia 9.60 138.17 82 3479
Bruggemann city Niedersachsen Germany 52.20 8.23 291 6556
Bruggemann city Nordrhein-Westfalen Germany 52.07 7.40 229 14094
Bruggemann city Nordrhein-Westfalen Germany 52.05 7.04 229 26898
Bruggemann city Nordrhein-Westfalen Germany 51.98 7.09 259 6526
Bruggemann city Nordrhein-Westfalen Germany 51.95 8.18 203 17695
Bruggemors city Overijssel Netherlands 52.23 6.85 101 93988
Bruggen city Tirol Austria 47.15 10.55 2801 6127
Bruggen city Tirol Austria 46.92 12.38 5029 1639
Bruggen city Tirol Austria 46.92 12.29 5029 1639
Bruggen city Karnten Austria 46.74 13.20 2509 2086
Bruggen city Nordrhein-Westfalen Germany 50.85 6.78 360 63196
Bruggen city Baden-Wurttemberg Germany 47.95 8.44 2631 20407
Bruggen city Baden-Wurttemberg Germany 47.90 9.60 1876 6550
Bruggen city Baden-Wurttemberg Germany 47.83 10.12 2509 6162
Bruggen city Baden-Wurttemberg Germany 47.72 9.63 1797 36980
Bruggen city Noord-Brabant Netherlands 51.48 5.76 82 32517
Bruggen city Noord-Brabant Netherlands 51.72 5.37 16 63640
Bruggen city Noord-Brabant Netherlands 51.70 5.78 32 6154
Bruggen city Sankt Gallen Switzerland 47.41 9.33 2509 63023
Bruggeneijnde city Vlaanderen Belgium 51.09 4.78 26 36381
Bruggeneind city Vlaanderen Belgium 51.09 4.78 26 36381
Bruggeneinde city Vlaanderen Belgium 51.09 4.78 26 36381
Bruggeneynde city Vlaanderen Belgium 51.09 4.78 26 36381
Bruggenhoek city Vlaanderen Belgium 50.88 3.74 82 13118
Bruggenmors city Overijssel Netherlands 52.23 6.85 101 93988
Bruggenum city Limburg Netherlands 51.23 5.98 65 44092
Brugger city Karnten Austria 46.70 13.73 4189 745
Brugger city Bayern Germany 48.33 11.15 1679 5122
Brugger city Muntinlupa Philippines 14.40 121.05 16 849216
Bruggerhof city Nordrhein-Westfalen Germany 50.98 6.15 295 37732
Bruggerholz city Schleswig-Holstein Germany 54.20 10.08 173 12176
Bruggerhuizen city Noord-Brabant Netherlands 51.33 5.48 88 35752
Bruggermuehl city Tirol Austria 47.50 12.08 1768 13810
Bruggermuhl city Tirol Austria 47.50 12.08 1768 13810
Bruggershof city Baden-Wurttemberg Germany 48.00 8.30 2683 8150
Bruggewijk city Vlaanderen Belgium 51.20 4.03 9 27775
Bruggewijk city Vlaanderen Belgium 51.10 3.50 26 23179
Bruggewyk city Vlaanderen Belgium 51.10 3.50 26 23179
Brugghaeusl city Tirol Austria 47.48 12.12 1824 12403
Brugghausl city Tirol Austria 47.48 12.12 1824 12403
Bruggi city Piemonte Italy 44.70 9.18 4475 1371
Bruggmers city Bayern Germany 47.83 10.18 2509 5960
Bruggy city Vlaanderen Belgium 51.21 3.23 9 64183
Brugheas city Auvergne France 46.08 3.37 1164 9021
Brughee city Ticino Switzerland 45.89 9.05 3533 33892
Brugherio city Lombardia Italy 45.55 9.30 830 281124
Brugia city Vlaanderen Belgium 51.21 3.23 9 64183
Brugier city Louisiana United States 30.28 -89.78 9
Brugine city Veneto Italy 45.30 12.00 16 39318
Brugnac city Aquitaine France 44.45 0.44 295 2377
Brugnato city Liguria Italy 44.23 9.72 288 4007
Brugnens city Midi-Pyrenees France 43.84 0.73 830 2343
Brugnera city Friuli-Venezia Giulia Italy 45.90 12.53 42 28204
Brugnere city Friuli-Venezia Giulia Italy 45.90 12.53 42 28204
Brugneto city Emilia-Romagna Italy 44.67 9.42 2837 1166
Brugnola city Emilia-Romagna Italy 44.57 9.77 2910 2320
Brugnon city Bourgogne France 47.62 3.78 830 1556
Brugnowi city East Sepik Papua New Guinea -4.26 142.71 65 894
Brugny city Champagne-Ardenne France 49.00 3.89 830 14121
Brugny-Vaudancourt city Champagne-Ardenne France 49.00 3.89 830 14121
Brugo city Entre Rios Argentina -31.39 -60.09 147 918
Brugo city Antioquia Colombia 7.03 -75.74 5452 6934
Brugoli city Sicilia Italy 37.28 15.18 3 19508
Brugos de Fenar city Castilla y Leon Spain 42.81 -5.59 3467 3815
Brugschen city Vlaanderen Belgium 51.00 3.97 29 38587
Brugske city Vlaanderen Belgium 50.79 5.22 278 28484
Brugsken city Vlaanderen Belgium 51.15 4.17 75 62015
Brugsken city Vlaanderen Belgium 51.00 3.97 29 38587
Brugskens city Vlaanderen Belgium 50.79 5.22 278 28484
Brugstraat city Vlaanderen Belgium 51.05 3.90 9 32798
Bruguera city Cataluna Spain 42.28 2.19 5029 4212
Bruguièras city Midi-Pyrenees France 43.73 1.41 830 39782
Bruguières city Midi-Pyrenees France 43.73 1.41 830 39782
Brugwarren city Fryslan Netherlands 53.04 6.02 3 11909

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