Latitude | 43.0887 | Longitude | -75.3148 | Altitude (feet) | 830 |
Lat (DMS) | 43° 5' 19N | Long (DMS) | 75° 18' 53W | Altitude (meters) | 252 |
| Time zone (est) | | | | |
Approximate population for 7 km radius from this point: |
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Weather Charts |
New There has been a serious bug with these forecasts until today December 12 2021. They were primarily tested on London, which was accurate. |
Nearby Airports |
Nearby references in Wikipedia: Distance | Title | 1.3 nm | NE | New York Mills, New York | 1.5 nm | NW | WIBX | 1.8 nm | N | Whitesboro, New York | 1.6 nm | SE | New Hartford (village), New York | 1.6 nm | SE | New Hartford, New York | 1.6 nm | SE | St. Stephen's Church (New Hartford, New York) | 1.5 nm | E | Notre Dame Junior Senior High School (Utica) | 1.9 nm | E | WPNR-FM | 1.9 nm | E | Utica College | 2.1 nm | E | Charles A. Gaetano Stadium | 2.3 nm | NE | Yorkville, Oneida County, New York | 2.3 nm | E | Donovan Stadium at Murnane Field | 3.0 nm | SE | Washington Mills, New York | 2.5 nm | W | Clark Mills, New York | 2.7 nm | E | Forest Hill Cemetery, Utica | 2.9 nm | NE | WUSP (AM) | 2.9 nm | E | Utica Psychiatric Center | 2.8 nm | E | List of Presbyterian churches in the United States | 3.0 nm | E | Utica Zoo | |