Latitude | 42.0973 | Longitude | -72.5529 | Altitude (feet) | 196 |
Lat (DMS) | 42° 5' 50N | Long (DMS) | 72° 33' 10W | Altitude (meters) | 59 |
| Time zone (est) | | | | |
Approximate population for 7 km radius from this point: |
| |
Weather Charts |
New There has been a serious bug with these forecasts until today December 12 2021. They were primarily tested on London, which was accurate. |
Other towns at this position: Rockys Plaza Shopping Center
Nearby Airports |
Nearby references in Wikipedia: Distance | Title | 0.3 nm | NW | WSCB | 0.4 nm | N | Springfield College (Massachusetts) | 0.4 nm | N | Watershops Pond | 0.5 nm | N | Stagg Field (Springfield College) | 0.5 nm | S | List of places named Mallory (historical) | 0.7 nm | N | Upper Hill, Springfield, Massachusetts | 0.6 nm | E | Cathedral High School (Springfield, Massachusetts) | 0.7 nm | NE | Mill River (Springfield, Massachusetts) | 0.7 nm | E | East Forest Park, Springfield, Massachusetts | 0.9 nm | N | Connecticut Public Radio | 0.9 nm | N | Springfield, Massachusetts | 0.9 nm | N | History of Springfield, Massachusetts | 0.9 nm | N | American International College | 0.8 nm | NW | Old Hill, Springfield, Massachusetts | 1.0 nm | NW | McKnight, Springfield, Massachusetts (and Mason Square) | 0.9 nm | SW | Van Horn Park | 1.2 nm | N | Roger L Putnam Vocational-Technical High School | 1.0 nm | W | MacDuffie School | 1.5 nm | N | Bay, Springfield, Massachusetts | 1.2 nm | W | Mulberry Street (Springfield, Massachusetts) | |