Latitude | 33.8542 | Longitude | -6.9519 | Altitude (feet) | 396 |
Lat (DMS) | 33° 51' 15N | Long (DMS) | 6° 57' 7W | Altitude (meters) | 120 |
| Time zone (est) | Africa/Casablanca | | | |
Approximate population for 7 km radius from this point: 56997 |
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Weather Charts |
New There has been a serious bug with these forecasts until today December 12 2021. They were primarily tested on London, which was accurate. |
Nearby AirportsCode | IATA | Kind | Name | City | Distance | Bearing | Airlines | GMME | RBA | Medium | SALE | Rabat | 15 nm N | 40 | Air France | GMMB | GMD | Small | BEN SLIMANE | Ben Slimane | 17 nm W | 228 | | GMMY | NNA | Medium | KENITRA | | 32 nm N | 33 | | GMMN | CMN | Large | MOHAMMED V INTL | Casablanca | 43 nm W | 227 | Air France ,(one of Emirates or Emirates SkyCa),,Iberia ,Mauritania Air,(one of Deutsche Lufth or Lufthansa Cargo),Libyan,,Binter Canarias,Qatar Executiv,Aeroflot{{mdas,Saudi Arabian,(one of Turkish or AnadoluJet),EasyJet Airlin,Vueling |