Directory of Cities and Towns in Al Ahmadi, Kuwait

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Alphabetical listing of Places in Al Ahmadi

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Abi Huleifa city Al Ahmadi Kuwait 29.13 48.13 19 6476
Abu Halaifa city Al Ahmadi Kuwait 29.13 48.13 19 6476
Abu Halaifah city Al Ahmadi Kuwait 29.13 48.13 19 6476
Abu Halifah city Al Ahmadi Kuwait 29.13 48.13 19 6476
Abu Hulaifa city Al Ahmadi Kuwait 29.13 48.13 19 6476
Abu Hulaifah city Al Ahmadi Kuwait 29.13 48.13 19 6476
Abu-Hleifa city Al Ahmadi Kuwait 29.13 48.13 19 6476
Abū Ḩulayfah city Al Ahmadi Kuwait 29.13 48.13 19 6476
Al Fantas city Al Ahmadi Kuwait 29.17 48.12 0 11675
Al Fintass city Al Ahmadi Kuwait 29.17 48.12 0 11675
Al Finţās city Al Ahmadi Kuwait 29.17 48.12 0 11675
Al Khiran city Al Ahmadi Kuwait 28.65 48.39 3 7843
Al Manjaf city Al Ahmadi Kuwait 29.10 48.13 26 8123
Al Manqaf city Al Ahmadi Kuwait 29.10 48.13 26 8123
Al-Mangaf city Al Ahmadi Kuwait 29.10 48.13 26 8123
Al-Riqqah city Al Ahmadi Kuwait 29.15 48.09 206 11986
Al-Sabahiyah city Al Ahmadi Kuwait 29.11 48.11 157 12372
Ar Riqqah city Al Ahmadi Kuwait 29.15 48.09 206 11986
Arah al Khor city Al Ahmadi Kuwait 28.65 48.30 111 14255
Ard al Khawr city Al Ahmadi Kuwait 28.65 48.30 111 14255
Ardh az Zor city Al Ahmadi Kuwait 28.76 48.26 52 14780
Arḑ az Zawr city Al Ahmadi Kuwait 28.76 48.26 52 14780
As Sabahiyah city Al Ahmadi Kuwait 29.11 48.11 157 12372
Az Zawr city Al Ahmadi Kuwait 28.74 48.37 36 5917
Duwaydāt city Al Ahmadi Kuwait 28.58 48.40 3 8062
Fantas city Al Ahmadi Kuwait 29.17 48.12 0 11675
Fantass city Al Ahmadi Kuwait 29.17 48.12 0 11675
Finatus city Al Ahmadi Kuwait 29.17 48.12 0 11675
Fintas city Al Ahmadi Kuwait 29.17 48.12 0 11675
Fintass city Al Ahmadi Kuwait 29.17 48.12 0 11675
Funtás city Al Ahmadi Kuwait 29.17 48.12 0 11675
Halaifa city Al Ahmadi Kuwait 29.13 48.13 19 6476
Manqaf city Al Ahmadi Kuwait 29.10 48.13 26 8123
Mina' Sa'ud city Al Ahmadi Kuwait 28.74 48.37 36 5917
Mina' Sa`ud city Al Ahmadi Kuwait 28.74 48.37 36 5917
Mina' az Zawr city Al Ahmadi Kuwait 28.74 48.37 36 5917
Mina' az-Zor city Al Ahmadi Kuwait 28.74 48.37 36 5917
Minā’ az-Zor city Al Ahmadi Kuwait 28.74 48.37 36 5917
Mīnā’ Sa‘ūd city Al Ahmadi Kuwait 28.74 48.37 36 5917
Mīnā’ az Zawr city Al Ahmadi Kuwait 28.74 48.37 36 5917
Reqqa city Al Ahmadi Kuwait 29.15 48.09 206 11986
Sawlah city Al Ahmadi Kuwait 28.73 48.32 65 13768
Subahiya city Al Ahmadi Kuwait 29.11 48.11 157 12372
أبو حليفة city Al Ahmadi Kuwait 29.13 48.13 19 6476
أرض الخور city Al Ahmadi Kuwait 28.65 48.30 111 14255
أرض الزور city Al Ahmadi Kuwait 28.76 48.26 52 14780
أَبُو حُلَيْفَة city Al Ahmadi Kuwait 29.13 48.13 19 6476
أَرْض اَلزَّوْر city Al Ahmadi Kuwait 28.76 48.26 52 14780
أَرْض اَلْخَوْر city Al Ahmadi Kuwait 28.65 48.30 111 14255
ابو حليفة city Al Ahmadi Kuwait 29.13 48.13 19 6476
الخيران city Al Ahmadi Kuwait 28.65 48.39 3 7843
الرقة city Al Ahmadi Kuwait 29.15 48.09 206 11986
الزور city Al Ahmadi Kuwait 28.74 48.37 36 5917
الصباحية city Al Ahmadi Kuwait 29.11 48.11 157 12372
الفنطاس city Al Ahmadi Kuwait 29.17 48.12 0 11675
المنقف city Al Ahmadi Kuwait 29.10 48.13 26 8123
اَلرِّقَّة city Al Ahmadi Kuwait 29.15 48.09 206 11986
اَلزَّوْر city Al Ahmadi Kuwait 28.74 48.37 36 5917
اَلصَّبَاحِيَّة city Al Ahmadi Kuwait 29.11 48.11 157 12372
اَلْخِيرَان city Al Ahmadi Kuwait 28.65 48.39 3 7843
اَلْفِنْطَاس city Al Ahmadi Kuwait 29.17 48.12 0 11675
اَلْمَنْقَف city Al Ahmadi Kuwait 29.10 48.13 26 8123
حد الحمارة city Al Ahmadi Kuwait 28.56 48.41 36 4801
حَدّ اَلْحِمَارَة city Al Ahmadi Kuwait 28.56 48.41 36 4801
دويدات city Al Ahmadi Kuwait 28.58 48.40 3 8062
دُوَيْدَات city Al Ahmadi Kuwait 28.58 48.40 3 8062
صولة city Al Ahmadi Kuwait 28.73 48.32 65 13768
صَوْلَة city Al Ahmadi Kuwait 28.73 48.32 65 13768
Ḩadd al Ḩimārah city Al Ahmadi Kuwait 28.56 48.41 36 4801

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