
Alphabetical listing of Places in India

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Poth city Himachal Pradesh India 32.05 76.03 1669 14046
Poth city Uttar Pradesh India 28.46 77.98 830 72944
Poth city Uttar Pradesh India 27.54 78.64 830 93701
Poth city Uttarakhand India 29.18 80.19 4350 12401
Potha city Jammu and Kashmir India 33.65 74.25 5029 15240
Potha city Jammu and Kashmir India 33.27 74.24 3349 7574
Potha city Jammu and Kashmir India 32.84 74.59 925 20063
Potha city Jammu and Kashmir India 33.15 74.21 1935 7305
Potha city Jammu and Kashmir India 33.13 74.28 1781 7591
Potha city Jammu and Kashmir India 33.34 74.44 4189 16262
Potha city Uttar Pradesh India 26.89 78.69 830 55422
Potha city Uttar Pradesh India 28.44 78.19 830 50726
Potha city Uttar Pradesh India 28.06 78.02 830 31570
Potha Gala city Jammu and Kashmir India 33.15 74.47 2631 9314
Pothabai city Odisha India 19.41 83.62 1669 12033
Pothan city Uttarakhand India 29.89 79.94 4284 17723
Potharheri Jotan city Punjab India 30.91 76.51 872 49199
Pothgal city Andhra Pradesh India 18.36 79.62 830 30376
Pothi city Jammu and Kashmir India 33.80 74.06 4232 35176
Pothi city Jammu and Kashmir India 33.32 74.19 4202 11213
Pothi city Rajasthan India 27.58 76.84 830 36851
Pothi city Uttar Pradesh India 28.05 78.01 830 32953
Pothi city Jammu and Kashmir India 33.77 74.18 5029 22799
Pothia city Bihar India 25.54 87.26 85 80885
Pothia city Madhya Pradesh India 22.64 78.01 1092 24135
Pothia city Bihar India 26.24 87.29 157 101638
Pothia city Bihar India 26.26 87.31 150 100186
Pothia city Bihar India 26.32 87.48 177 66030
Pothia city Bihar India 26.20 87.59 154 78686
Pothia city West Bengal India 26.07 87.94 183 122068
Pothia city Bihar India 25.08 87.19 127 112396
Pothia city Bihar India 25.88 87.33 124 75534
Pothia city Bihar India 25.99 87.64 98 124989
Pothia city Bihar India 25.92 87.62 95 76997
Pothia city Bihar India 25.61 87.87 95 112623
Pothiamma city Andhra Pradesh India 14.86 80.06 19 35613
Pothihi city Bihar India 25.44 85.08 177 130149
Pothimari city West Bengal India 25.81 87.95 88 77797
Pothin city Uttarakhand India 29.98 79.87 5029 24705
Pothiragadibba city Andhra Pradesh India 14.47 80.13 16 58752
Pothireddipalli city Andhra Pradesh India 17.64 79.55 1000 33432
Pothiyadhana city Madhya Pradesh India 22.08 78.63 2509 28021
Pothiyan city Himachal Pradesh India 30.54 77.20 1210 18440
Pothiāi city Madhya Pradesh India 25.03 78.14 1207 23729
Pothiār city West Bengal India 25.94 87.90 78 67395
Pothmarka city Chhattisgarh India 18.79 81.43 1728 9983
Pothowal city Jammu and Kashmir India 32.59 75.21 1669 32559
Pothra city Maharashtra India 20.44 78.95 830 12777
Pothra city Uttar Pradesh India 26.86 83.25 203 42017
Pothra city Bihar India 25.84 87.87 75 78341
Pothur city Kerala India 11.79 75.91 2509 37910
Pothuvaccheri city Kerala India 11.73 75.52 16 122640
Pothuvacheri city Kerala India 11.85 75.46 131 31282

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