
Alphabetical listing of Places in India

Kol (13),Kola (232),Kolb (16),Kolc (1),Kold (7),Kole (24),Kolg (41),Kolh (166),Koli (135),Kolk (25),Koll (91),Kolm (2),Koln (7),Kolo (15),Kolp (22),Kolr (7),Kols (10),Kolt (19),Kolu (60),Kolv (13),Kolw (21),Koly (2),Kol· (1),Kolā (45),Kolī (5),Kolū (20)
Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Kol city Uttarakhand India 30.50 77.92 5259 22492
Kol city Madhya Pradesh India 22.05 78.14 1669 34949
Kol city Jammu and Kashmir India 33.39 74.54 7860 21033
Kol city Uttar Pradesh India 26.12 82.95 282 124127
Kol city Uttar Pradesh India 26.58 83.22 216 68260
Kol city Uttar Pradesh India 26.10 83.25 216 144872
Kol city Jammu and Kashmir India 33.29 76.18 6981 298
Kol city Himachal Pradesh India 31.35 76.89 2910 24174
Kol city Uttar Pradesh India 26.11 81.40 341 59808
Kol city Uttar Pradesh India 25.89 84.31 154 90400

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