
Alphabetical listing of Places in India

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Chrijhot city Jammu and Kashmir India 32.71 75.55 5869 24837
Chringhata city West Bengal India 22.57 88.92 19 69446
Christian Koppal city Karnataka India 12.41 76.42 2509 60286
Christiangūdem city Andhra Pradesh India 17.56 79.17 1017 27779
Christianpeta city Andhra Pradesh India 16.49 81.69 13 221235
Christnagar city Uttar Pradesh India 25.38 82.97 259 112005
Christpada city Maharashtra India 18.53 72.92 830 37240
Chriāla city Jammu and Kashmir India 33.11 74.22 2086 7570
Chromepet city Tamil Nadu India 12.95 80.14 91 57147
Chrompet city Tamil Nadu India 12.95 80.14 91 57147
Chrīī Khurd city Jharkhand India 24.13 84.52 964 27022

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