
Alphabetical listing of Places in India

Ber (8),Bera (98),Berb (2),Berc (14),Berd (14),Bere (7),Berg (8),Berh (16),Beri (103),Berj (4),Berk (82),Berl (17),Berm (8),Bern (9),Bero (12),Berp (5),Berr (7),Bers (11),Bert (6),Beru (26),Berw (20),Bery (1),Berā (23),Berī (2),Berū (3)
Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Ber city Gujarat India 23.47 68.60 72 3136
Ber city Jammu and Kashmir India 33.23 74.40 2910 8938
Ber city Uttar Pradesh India 26.81 79.20 830 54873
Ber city Uttar Pradesh India 26.38 79.12 830 32983
Ber city Himachal Pradesh India 30.92 77.11 4570 48115
Ber city Himachal Pradesh India 30.90 77.42 8389 10293
Ber city Uttar Pradesh India 29.06 78.43 830 38750
Ber city Uttar Pradesh India 27.12 81.64 387 82968
Ber city Rajasthan India 24.50 73.99 1669 31318

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