
Alphabetical listing of Places in India

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Beru city Madhya Pradesh India 25.96 78.25 830 27878
Beru city Rajasthan India 27.50 77.08 830 68382
Beru city Himachal Pradesh India 32.34 76.07 3349 12425
Beru city Himachal Pradesh India 31.88 76.31 1669 46164
Beru city Himachal Pradesh India 31.75 76.43 1774 37115
Beru Bagar city Uttarakhand India 29.68 79.74 5341 15184
Berua city Madhya Pradesh India 23.21 78.55 1145 14753
Beruadih city Bihar India 25.94 85.45 134 198370
Berubeh city Rajasthan India 24.44 76.79 1669 15620
Berubeh city Rajasthan India 24.40 76.78 1118 11188
Berubāri city West Bengal India 26.41 88.71 216 82447
Berugad city Maharashtra India 20.16 77.74 1118 46169
Berui city Uttar Pradesh India 25.92 80.83 347 65941
Berui city Uttar Pradesh India 25.39 81.48 298 83819
Berui city Uttar Pradesh India 25.19 81.65 830 33811
Berui city Bihar India 25.99 84.74 173 191265
Beruka city Uttar Pradesh India 25.32 82.83 272 33318
Beruka Jatan city Uttar Pradesh India 27.44 77.58 830 45263
Berukahi city Bihar India 25.24 83.85 223 79691
Berukahi city Bihar India 25.00 83.98 269 86157
Berukkera city Rajasthan India 26.13 74.83 1220 11946
Berul city Jammu and Kashmir India 33.39 75.76 5403 57013
Berun city Uttar Pradesh India 26.57 80.90 406 81394
Berun Nagla city Uttarakhand India 28.87 79.46 830 37941
Berung city Assam India 27.92 95.42 410 4559
Beruī city Uttar Pradesh India 25.79 80.89 337 89932

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