
Alphabetical listing of Places in India

Bās (33),Bāsa (36),Bāsb (1),Bāsd (28),Bāse (2),Bāsg (3),Bāsh (4),Bāsi (19),Bāsk (4),Bāsl (3),Bāsm (3),Bāsn (10),Bāso (12),Bāsp (1),Bāsr (4),Bāst (2),Bāsu (22),Bāsv (1),Bāsy (1),Bāsā (4),Bāsē (1),Bāsī (4),Bāsū (16)
Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Bās city Rajasthan India 28.33 75.25 925 26264
Bās city Rajasthan India 28.32 75.34 918 25829
Bās city Rajasthan India 28.29 75.30 951 26360
Bās city Rajasthan India 28.29 75.35 935 26360
Bās city Rajasthan India 28.26 75.26 935 26373
Bās city Rajasthan India 28.35 75.53 928 32774
Bās city Rajasthan India 28.35 75.59 918 58867
Bās city Rajasthan India 28.41 75.66 862 48216
Bās city Rajasthan India 28.37 75.66 912 57094
Bās city Rajasthan India 28.37 75.70 898 48426
Bās city Rajasthan India 28.38 75.73 872 42648
Bās city Rajasthan India 28.37 75.75 872 51224
Bās city Rajasthan India 28.25 75.52 994 35814
Bās city Rajasthan India 28.28 75.55 984 38466
Bās city Rajasthan India 28.32 75.56 944 46841
Bās city Haryana India 28.11 76.51 862 42947
Bās city Rajasthan India 26.63 76.16 980 29044
Bās city Rajasthan India 26.28 76.19 885 20545
Bās city Rajasthan India 26.49 76.46 875 31587
Bās city Rajasthan India 26.64 76.65 869 12035
Bās city Haryana India 28.68 76.39 830 38286
Bās city Haryana India 28.39 76.58 830 47469
Bās city Jammu and Kashmir India 33.33 75.26 5091 16931
Bās city Rajasthan India 26.75 75.84 1102 18655
Bās city Uttar Pradesh India 28.20 78.07 830 88936

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