Alphabetical listing of Places in India
Name | What | Region | Country | Lat | Long | Elev ft. | Pop est |
Ath | city | Rajasthan | India | 24.40 | 73.99 | 1076 | 33397 |
Ath Kona | city | Uttar Pradesh | India | 27.63 | 81.53 | 396 | 81938 |
Athabut | city | Jammu and Kashmir | India | 34.49 | 74.70 | 7549 | 12717 |
Athagarh | city | Odisha | India | 20.52 | 85.63 | 206 | 49165 |
Athaikhera | city | Madhya Pradesh | India | 24.15 | 77.80 | 1669 | 15202 |
Athain | city | Uttar Pradesh | India | 29.06 | 78.21 | 830 | 111860 |
Athain | city | Uttar Pradesh | India | 28.28 | 79.68 | 830 | 54819 |
Athain Ahir | city | Uttar Pradesh | India | 29.20 | 78.43 | 830 | 53517 |
Athain Shekh | city | Uttar Pradesh | India | 29.27 | 78.46 | 830 | 51920 |
Athaina | city | Uttar Pradesh | India | 27.69 | 79.31 | 830 | 46593 |
Athaisa | city | Uttar Pradesh | India | 27.15 | 81.52 | 387 | 70080 |
Athaisi | city | Uttar Pradesh | India | 26.26 | 82.24 | 285 | 82717 |
Athaiya | city | Uttar Pradesh | India | 27.78 | 78.57 | 830 | 67689 |
Athal | city | Dadra and Nagar Haveli | India | 20.27 | 72.98 | 141 | 55240 |
Athalur | city | Kerala | India | 10.83 | 75.98 | 6 | 221897 |
Athalwa | city | Uttar Pradesh | India | 26.15 | 82.18 | 298 | 81354 |
Athalyan | city | Uttar Pradesh | India | 28.01 | 78.95 | 830 | 63252 |
Athan | city | Bihar | India | 24.61 | 83.72 | 1778 | 7318 |
Athana | city | Uttar Pradesh | India | 28.29 | 79.68 | 830 | 55040 |
Athania | city | Bihar | India | 25.34 | 87.01 | 91 | 78788 |
Athania Diāra | city | Bihar | India | 25.35 | 87.47 | 75 | 84259 |
Athanwali | city | Haryana | India | 29.33 | 74.98 | 830 | 24174 |
Athar | city | Bihar | India | 25.96 | 86.16 | 118 | 135813 |
Athar Dih | city | Bihar | India | 26.07 | 86.05 | 160 | 119832 |
Atharaha | city | Madhya Pradesh | India | 25.14 | 81.54 | 406 | 35026 |
Atharbani | city | Uttarakhand | India | 29.61 | 79.66 | 5150 | 35764 |
Atharha | city | Uttar Pradesh | India | 26.81 | 83.77 | 239 | 46483 |
Atharikhāt | city | Assam | India | 26.72 | 91.75 | 262 | 27494 |
Atharra Kunian | city | Uttar Pradesh | India | 27.93 | 79.26 | 830 | 61326 |
Athartharia | city | Uttar Pradesh | India | 26.04 | 81.39 | 357 | 67495 |
Athaula | city | Punjab | India | 31.31 | 75.46 | 830 | 90908 |
Athauna | city | Uttar Pradesh | India | 24.70 | 82.91 | 1007 | 18923 |
Athaura | city | Uttar Pradesh | India | 27.53 | 79.80 | 830 | 53587 |
Athaura | city | Uttar Pradesh | India | 26.15 | 81.35 | 347 | 58157 |
Athauria | city | Uttar Pradesh | India | 27.43 | 80.00 | 830 | 58989 |
Athaīkhera | city | Madhya Pradesh | India | 24.16 | 77.81 | 1669 | 15234 |
Athbahin | city | Bihar | India | 24.93 | 83.61 | 830 | 26648 |
Athdama | city | Uttar Pradesh | India | 27.05 | 82.78 | 288 | 90620 |
Athdamāh | city | Uttar Pradesh | India | 26.71 | 82.65 | 252 | 114027 |
Athdeora | city | Uttar Pradesh | India | 26.98 | 82.80 | 255 | 90182 |
Athegaon | city | Maharashtra | India | 20.16 | 75.08 | 1922 | 22663 |
Ather | city | Himachal Pradesh | India | 32.54 | 76.12 | 3349 | 31189 |
Athera | city | Rajasthan | India | 27.31 | 77.59 | 830 | 60211 |
Athesi | city | Uttar Pradesh | India | 26.72 | 79.63 | 830 | 64497 |
Athgaon | city | Uttar Pradesh | India | 25.68 | 79.44 | 830 | 19779 |
Athgaon Uparli | city | Uttarakhand | India | 30.73 | 77.99 | 5869 | 6407 |
Athgarh | city | Odisha | India | 20.52 | 85.63 | 206 | 49165 |
Athgauna | city | Uttar Pradesh | India | 28.10 | 78.83 | 830 | 54710 |
Athgawan | city | Bihar | India | 25.32 | 87.00 | 104 | 101319 |
Athgawan | city | Bihar | India | 25.24 | 87.18 | 52 | 97461 |
Athgawān | city | Uttar Pradesh | India | 26.02 | 81.77 | 301 | 53628 |
Athgorwa | city | Uttar Pradesh | India | 25.33 | 82.69 | 278 | 69155 |
Athidhānji ki Dhāni | city | Rajasthan | India | 28.11 | 74.89 | 1033 | 22302 |
Athila | city | Uttar Pradesh | India | 25.91 | 83.85 | 190 | 116059 |
Athimanjeripet | city | Tamil Nadu | India | 13.25 | 79.43 | 830 | 21257 |
Athirssheri | city | Kerala | India | 10.97 | 75.96 | 72 | 186955 |
Athith | city | Bihar | India | 26.16 | 84.78 | 200 | 124871 |
Athiya | city | Uttar Pradesh | India | 27.63 | 78.77 | 830 | 47815 |
Athiyākhera | city | Rajasthan | India | 24.28 | 76.79 | 1115 | 15622 |
Athkona | city | Uttar Pradesh | India | 28.29 | 79.72 | 830 | 53345 |
Athkona | city | Uttar Pradesh | India | 28.39 | 79.78 | 830 | 60931 |
Athkonān | city | Uttar Pradesh | India | 28.53 | 79.89 | 830 | 45622 |
Athlakra | city | Uttar Pradesh | India | 27.26 | 79.29 | 830 | 67854 |
Athli | city | Maharashtra | India | 20.75 | 79.86 | 830 | 25032 |
Athlog | city | Himachal Pradesh | India | 32.75 | 76.25 | 6745 | 7583 |
Athlohia | city | Uttar Pradesh | India | 27.01 | 83.07 | 288 | 95387 |
Athmakur | city | Andhra Pradesh | India | 14.62 | 79.63 | 167 | 23012 |
Athmalgola | city | Bihar | India | 25.46 | 85.60 | 141 | 178965 |
Athmalik | city | Odisha | India | 20.72 | 84.54 | 252 | 23065 |
Athmallik | city | Odisha | India | 20.72 | 84.54 | 252 | 23065 |
Athni | city | Karnataka | India | 16.73 | 75.06 | 1870 | 33157 |
Athniawar | city | Rajasthan | India | 24.88 | 73.55 | 2618 | 16592 |
Athob | city | Rajasthan | India | 26.78 | 73.02 | 889 | 10281 |
Atholi | city | Jammu and Kashmir | India | 33.26 | 76.16 | 6249 | 298 |
Atholia | city | Rajasthan | India | 25.72 | 74.11 | 1817 | 18825 |
Athondnān | city | Uttar Pradesh | India | 25.44 | 78.51 | 928 | 57113 |
Athoria | city | Uttar Pradesh | India | 26.33 | 81.85 | 334 | 81909 |
Athotarwan | city | Punjab | India | 32.32 | 75.73 | 1669 | 122455 |
Athpa | city | Bihar | India | 25.24 | 84.52 | 239 | 128557 |
Athpahara | city | Bihar | India | 25.06 | 87.14 | 137 | 167075 |
Athpera | city | Uttar Pradesh | India | 25.17 | 82.68 | 269 | 78430 |
Athraha | city | Uttar Pradesh | India | 27.55 | 80.13 | 830 | 47640 |
Athraila | city | Madhya Pradesh | India | 24.14 | 81.58 | 1079 | 28261 |
Athsarai | city | Uttar Pradesh | India | 25.68 | 81.28 | 285 | 83286 |
Athu | city | Jammu and Kashmir | India | 32.74 | 75.67 | 8389 | 13954 |
Athu | city | Uttarakhand | India | 30.07 | 79.61 | 6758 | 14304 |
Athua | city | West Bengal | India | 24.34 | 87.98 | 65 | 84933 |
Athuapur | city | Uttar Pradesh | India | 26.43 | 80.47 | 377 | 74646 |
Athuru | city | Karnataka | India | 13.00 | 75.47 | 830 | 24259 |
Athwalia | city | Bihar | India | 25.18 | 83.85 | 226 | 75210 |
Athwan | city | Madhya Pradesh | India | 22.37 | 75.93 | 830 | 18303 |
Athwara | city | Uttar Pradesh | India | 26.45 | 82.62 | 282 | 85908 |
Athwāl | city | Punjab | India | 31.97 | 75.12 | 830 | 46128 |
Athwāl | city | Punjab | India | 31.95 | 75.19 | 830 | 47134 |
Athwāl | city | Punjab | India | 31.72 | 75.19 | 830 | 115718 |
Athwāl | city | Punjab | India | 31.91 | 75.30 | 830 | 58134 |
Athwān | city | Madhya Pradesh | India | 22.35 | 75.93 | 830 | 17604 |
Athāi | city | Madhya Pradesh | India | 23.77 | 79.43 | 1158 | 52274 |
Athāikhera | city | Madhya Pradesh | India | 24.19 | 77.25 | 1669 | 16753 |
Athānli | city | Punjab | India | 31.23 | 75.72 | 830 | 81475 |
Athār | city | Bihar | India | 25.45 | 84.18 | 216 | 284412 |
Athār | city | Bihar | India | 26.04 | 86.06 | 144 | 120888 |
Athār Got | city | Bihar | India | 26.08 | 86.05 | 170 | 120777 |
Athāra | city | Bihar | India | 25.52 | 87.74 | 82 | 98636 |
Athāraguri | city | Chhattisgarh | India | 21.27 | 82.50 | 990 | 28848 |
Athāīkhera | city | Madhya Pradesh | India | 24.45 | 77.82 | 1669 | 26448 |
Athāīn | city | Uttar Pradesh | India | 29.49 | 77.90 | 830 | 62154 |
Athāīn Zamurraddīn | city | Uttar Pradesh | India | 29.23 | 78.34 | 830 | 44244 |
Athīlā | city | Uttar Pradesh | India | 25.90 | 83.85 | 187 | 121732 |
Athūna ka Bās | city | Rajasthan | India | 28.10 | 75.20 | 1030 | 32815 |
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