Fazenda Sao Bento, Brazil Page

Other (Latin) names: Fazenda

Other (Non-Latin) names: Fazenda São Bento

World:Brazil:Sao Paulo
Latitude -21.0092 Longitude -47.4486 Altitude (feet) 3349
Lat (DMS) 21° 0' 33S Long (DMS) 47° 26' 55W Altitude (meters) 1020
Time zone (est)
Approximate population for 7 km radius from this point: 3274
Leaflet | Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors, CC-BY-SA, Imagery © Fallingrain
Leaflet | Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors, CC-BY-SA, Imagery © Fallingrain
Leaflet | Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors, CC-BY-SA, Imagery © Fallingrain

Weather Charts

New There has been a serious bug with these forecasts until today December 12 2021. They were primarily tested on London, which was accurate.

Fazenda Sao Bento Temperature in Celsius

01 Jan

Display: Relative Humidity
Time in GMT, not local. Click-drag to zoom,click-click to reset,shift-click to drag.

Fazenda Sao Bento Cloud Cover in Percent

01 Jan

Display: Relative Humidity
Time in GMT, not local. Click-drag to zoom,click-click to reset,shift-click to drag.

Fazenda Sao Bento Precipitation

01 Jan

Display: Relative Humidity
Time in GMT, not local. Click-drag to zoom,click-click to reset,shift-click to drag.

Nearby Cities and Towns
West North East South
Fazenda Jatoba (0.5 nm)
Fazenda Bom Jesus (2.8 nm)
Fazenda da Cascata (1.4 nm)
Fazenda Sao Joao do Batatais (1.4 nm)
Fazenda Santa Marta (1.8 nm)
Fazenda Santa Cruz (2.3 nm)
Chacara Paulista (3.3 nm)
Fazenda da Grama (3.8 nm)
Fazenda Liberdade (3.8 nm)
Sitio Servo (4.3 nm)
Altinopolis (4.3 nm)
Fazenda Bambui (4.6 nm)
Fazenda Invernadinha (5.2 nm)
Fazenda Sao Joao da Mata (1.2 nm)
Fazenda do Sertaozinha (2.2 nm)
Fazenda Sao Jose (3.0 nm)
Fazenda do Selado (3.1 nm)
Sitio do Seladinho (4.6 nm)
Chacara Quilometro 65 (4.9 nm)

Nearby Airports

Code IATA Kind Name City Distance Bearing Airlines
SDBA Small Batatais Airport Batatais 11 nm N 315
SIGD Heli Gota Dourada Heliport Brodowski 11 nm W 270
SBRP RAO Medium LEITE LOPES Ribeirao Preto 19 nm W 247 Azul Brazilian Airlines, Gol Transportes Aéreos, LATAM Airlines Brasil, Passaredo Linhas Aéreas
SBUR UBA Medium UBERABA Uberaba 80 nm N 338 Azul Brazilian Airlines, Flyways Linhas Aéreas, Gol Transportes Aéreos
SBAX AAX Small ARAXA Araxá 91 nm N 17 Azul Brazilian Airlines
Nearby references in Wikipedia:
Distance Title
21.8 nm SW Estádio Palma Travassos
22.3 nm SW Estádio Santa Cruz
22.5 nm SW Ribeirão Preto
22.7 nm SW Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Ribeirão Preto

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Presentation Copyright © Falling Rain Software, Ltd. 1996-2021
Sat Aug 27 12:48:14 2016