Sitio Antonio B. do Amaral, Brazil Page

Other names: Sítio Antônio B. do Amaral

Latitude -23.6915 Longitude -49.7933 Altitude (feet) 2017
Lat (DMS) 23° 41' 29S Long (DMS) 49° 47' 36W Altitude (meters) 614
Time zone (est) America/Sao_Paulo
Approximate population for 7 km radius from this point: 9931
Leaflet | Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors, CC-BY-SA, Imagery © Fallingrain
Leaflet | Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors, CC-BY-SA, Imagery © Fallingrain
Leaflet | Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors, CC-BY-SA, Imagery © Fallingrain

Weather Charts

New There has been a serious bug with these forecasts until today December 12 2021. They were primarily tested on London, which was accurate.

Sitio Antonio B. do Amaral Temperature in Celsius

01 Jan

Display: Relative Humidity
Time in GMT, not local. Click-drag to zoom,click-click to reset,shift-click to drag.

Sitio Antonio B. do Amaral Cloud Cover in Percent

01 Jan

Display: Relative Humidity
Time in GMT, not local. Click-drag to zoom,click-click to reset,shift-click to drag.

Sitio Antonio B. do Amaral Precipitation

01 Jan

Display: Relative Humidity
Time in GMT, not local. Click-drag to zoom,click-click to reset,shift-click to drag.

Other towns at this position: Sitio Liceu Montana
Nearby Cities and Towns
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Sitio Joao Munhoz (0.6 nm)
Sitio Oriente Barbosa (0.7 nm)
Sitio Taquara Branca (0.8 nm)
Sitio Arlindo Bassani (0.9 nm)
Sitio Maria A. do Couto (0.9 nm)
Sitio Sebastiao de P. Pereira (0.6 nm)
Sitio Alto Alegre (0.7 nm)
Santa Cruz dos Paula (0.8 nm)
Sitio Maria de Jesus (0.9 nm)
Sitio Francisco Sumim (0.2 nm)
Abreu (0.5 nm)
Sitio Casimiro de Abreu (0.5 nm)
Sitio Andre A. de Abreu (0.6 nm)
Sitio Nelson da S. Guimaraes (0.8 nm)

Nearby Airports

Code IATA Kind Name City Distance Bearing Airlines
FR996 Small SIQUEIRA CAMPOS 1 nm W 310
SSQC Small Siqueira Campos Airport Siqueira Campos 1 nm W 310
SJPN Heli Campan Heliport Cambará 41 nm N 339
SBLO LDB Medium LONDRINA Londrina 76 nm W 286 Azul Brazilian Airlines, Gol Transportes Aéreos, LATAM Airlines Brasil
SBML MII Medium MARILIA Marília 89 nm N 355 Azul Brazilian Airlines
Nearby references in Wikipedia:
Distance Title
2.2 nm W Siqueira Campos, Paraná
9.5 nm S Wenceslau Braz, Paraná
9.4 nm NW Quatiguá
10.5 nm SW Tomazina
11.7 nm NE Salto do Itararé
12.5 nm S List of solar eclipses in the 19th century
13.1 nm NW Joaquim Távora

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Presentation Copyright © Falling Rain Software, Ltd. 1996-2021
Sat Aug 27 12:44:05 2016