
Alphabetical listing of Places in World

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Umwa Village city Kiribati -0.90 169.55 0 69
Umwangs city Bayern Germany 47.84 10.53 2509 2824
Umwaouku city Zimbabwe -18.92 32.32 4189 5662
Umwate city Northern Papua New Guinea -9.26 148.24 2795 596
Umwate city Northern Papua New Guinea -9.20 148.20 3349 596
Umweg city Baden-Wurttemberg Germany 48.73 8.18 958 39875
Umweg city Bayern Germany 48.27 12.85 1669 8495
Umwen city Arno Marshall Islands 6.97 171.72 3 244
Umwiga city Est Rwanda -1.84 30.49 5121 17906
Umwiga city Est Rwanda -1.85 30.35 5190 24668
Umwige city Est Rwanda -1.84 30.49 5121 17906
Umwinsidale city Harare Zimbabwe -17.72 31.19 4353 45753
Umwo city Coast Tanzania, United Rep. of -7.94 38.99 121 1937
Umwogg city Lakes South Sudan 6.81 29.72 1669 44559
Umwohan city Abia Nigeria 4.92 7.23 830 3249

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