
Alphabetical listing of Places in World

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Udeka city Rajasthan India 25.97 73.87 980 10746
Udeka city Pakruojis Lithuania 56.15 24.02 242 1341
Udekai city Pakruojis Lithuania 56.15 24.02 242 1341
Udekay city Pakruojis Lithuania 56.15 24.02 242 1341
Udekiai city Pakruojis Lithuania 56.15 24.02 242 1341
Udekiu city Pakruojis Lithuania 56.15 24.02 242 1341
Udekwa city Iringa Tanzania, United Rep. of -7.63 36.42 4530 0
Udekyula city Laane-Virumaa Estonia 59.17 26.13 830 3333
Udekyula city Viljandimaa Estonia 58.48 25.45 314 728

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