
Alphabetical listing of Places in World

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Tseba city Taraba Nigeria 7.95 9.75 830 14097
Tsebaakwe city Taraba Nigeria 7.81 9.13 830 8545
Tsebaba city Benue Nigeria 7.73 9.18 830 7267
Tsebagi city Benue Nigeria 7.74 9.07 830 8748
Tsebaja city Benue Nigeria 7.65 9.63 830 21307
Tsebaka city Benue Nigeria 7.64 9.44 830 14390
Tsebaki city Taraba Nigeria 7.86 9.19 830 7108
Tsebako city Benue Nigeria 7.62 9.11 830 12282
Tsebako city Benue Nigeria 7.16 9.15 830 15928
Tsebanka city Benue Nigeria 7.61 9.06 830 12750
Tsebari city Dagestan Russia 42.25 45.88 5879 1192
Tsebashi city Benue Nigeria 7.02 9.29 830 14274
Tsebat city Severnaya Osetiya-Alaniya Russia 42.69 44.00 5869 1044
Tsebator city Benue Nigeria 7.64 9.53 830 21307
Tsebe city Northern Cape South Africa -28.90 22.13 2906 1779
Tsebe city Northern Cape South Africa -28.87 22.15 3349 470
Tsebede city Taraba Nigeria 7.68 9.73 830 18927
Tsebedjin city Congo (Dem. Republic of The)-(Zaire) -3.27 18.01 1151 2384
Tsebee city Benue Nigeria 7.11 9.24 830 16193
Tsebeeve city Benue Nigeria 7.02 9.34 830 12089
Tsebel'dinskoye city Apkhazeti Georgia 43.02 41.27 1669 0
Tsebelagu city Benue Nigeria 7.04 9.07 830 23067
Tsebelda city Apkhazeti Georgia 43.02 41.27 1669 0
Tsebele city Kongo Central Congo (Dem. Republic of The)-(Zaire) -5.01 13.64 1994 4321
Tsebel’dinskoye city Apkhazeti Georgia 43.02 41.27 1669 0
Tseberka city Zhytomyrs'ka Oblast' Ukraine 50.21 27.84 830 3262
Tsebiam city Benue Nigeria 7.16 9.16 830 15896
Tseble city Tandjile Chad 9.39 16.26 1200 5167
Tsebliv city L'vivs'ka Oblast' Ukraine 50.42 24.06 830 2533
Tsebluv city L'vivs'ka Oblast' Ukraine 50.42 24.06 830 2533
Tsebo city Benue Nigeria 7.60 8.20 830 10381
Tsebo city Benue Nigeria 7.50 9.02 830 10356
Tsebogba city Benue Nigeria 7.31 9.49 830 8940
Tsebokpa city Benue Nigeria 7.47 9.03 830 8427
Tseboli city Benue Nigeria 7.54 9.74 830 19618
Tsebrev city Bryanskaya Oblast' Russia 53.72 33.56 830 1197
Tsebries city Hardap Namibia -23.23 16.87 5065 2
Tsebrikovo city Odes'ka Oblast' Ukraine 47.15 30.11 229 1930
Tsebriv city Ternopil's'ka Oblast' Ukraine 49.63 25.41 1118 4221
Tsebrov city Ternopil's'ka Oblast' Ukraine 49.63 25.41 1118 4221
Tsebrovka city L'vivs'ka Oblast' Ukraine 50.42 24.06 830 2533
Tsebruv city Ternopil's'ka Oblast' Ukraine 49.63 25.41 1118 4221
Tsebugher city Benue Nigeria 7.71 8.36 377 10816
Tsebun city Benue Nigeria 7.14 9.35 830 15425
Tsebunde city Benue Nigeria 7.60 9.69 830 21307
Tsebunde city Taraba Nigeria 7.62 10.00 830 4746
Tsebyam city Benue Nigeria 7.34 8.37 830 7599

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