
Alphabetical listing of Places in World

Sup (1),Sup' (30),Sup- (1),Supa (130),Supb (2),Supc (6),Supe (75),Supg (3),Suph (18),Supi (68),Supk (5),Supl (33),Supm (3),Supn (4),Supo (48),Supp (27),Supr (61),Sups (16),Supt (11),Supu (38),Supw (4),Supy (4),Supé (1),Supí (2),Supā (11),Supṟ (1),Sup’ (30)
Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Sup city Kandahar Afghanistan 31.37 67.19 6200 894
Sup city Jammu and Kashmir India 32.74 75.72 7549 8941
Sup city Himachal Pradesh India 32.63 76.33 12588 12072
Sup city East Sepik Papua New Guinea -3.42 143.63 0 170

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