
Alphabetical listing of Places in World

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Sīj city Khorasan-e Jonubi Iran 33.61 59.91 4189 1043
Sīj-e Jadīd city Khorasan-e Jonubi Iran 33.61 59.91 4189 1043
Sīj-e Makhrūbeh city Khorasan-e Jonubi Iran 33.61 59.91 4189 1043
Sījah city Herat Afghanistan 34.32 62.85 5141 4691
Sījangar city Jammu and Kashmir India 33.25 74.31 2860 8353
Sījarāz city Halab Syria 36.58 37.01 1876 21422
Sījeh Kūkān city Kordestan Iran 36.30 47.92 5029 1731
Sījheri city Madhya Pradesh India 23.65 80.02 1669 23387
Sījo (1) city Oromiya Ethiopia 9.57 35.43 6246 14228
Sījo (2) city Oromiya Ethiopia 9.30 35.88 6709 9123
Sījān city Alborz Iran 35.92 51.15 7001 20860
Sījāvand city Khorasan-e Razavi Iran 34.86 59.83 3451 1630

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