
Alphabetical listing of Places in World

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Sālū city Sistan va Baluchestan Iran 31.08 61.81 1669 4522
Sālūg-e Pā’īn city Kordestan Iran 35.98 45.73 5029 4917
Sālūk-e Pā’īn city Kordestan Iran 35.98 45.73 5029 4917
Sālūk-e ‘Olyā city Kordestan Iran 35.98 45.76 4465 4917
Sālūmbar city Rajasthan India 24.14 74.05 830 43025
Sālūn Kohr city Balochistan Pakistan 30.21 69.58 4609 3358
Sālūr city Tamil Nadu India 12.59 80.00 118 32174
Sālūr city Andhra Pradesh India 17.46 82.33 830 24003
Sālūr city Karnataka India 13.57 75.56 2509 12959
Sālūr city Tehran Iran 35.54 51.20 3415 128863
Sālūra city Jammu and Kashmir India 34.21 74.76 5131 51821
Sālū’īyeh city Kerman Iran 30.60 54.73 8628 447

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