
Alphabetical listing of Places in World

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Nton city Nord-Ouest Cameroon 6.47 11.12 4189 5066
Ntonda city Zomba Malawi -15.30 35.48 2509 28541
Ntonda city Malawi -14.97 34.76 3349 17176
Ntonda city Malawi -14.52 35.37 1745 16616
Ntonda city Malawi -13.24 33.98 3349 11745
Ntondambele city Congo (Dem. Republic of The)-(Zaire) -2.18 17.17 1669 699
Ntonde city Cankuzo Burundi -3.29 30.57 5029 10262
Ntonde city Congo (Dem. Republic of The)-(Zaire) -9.71 27.08 2785 298
Ntonde city Sud Rwanda -2.02 29.80 5869 59199
Ntonde city Nord Rwanda -1.76 29.92 6279 57905
Ntonde city Sud Rwanda -1.98 29.83 5360 56996
Ntonde city Zambezi Namibia -17.53 24.85 3349 629
Ntondo city Sud-Kivu Congo (Dem. Republic of The)-(Zaire) -2.77 28.60 5029 15794
Ntondo city Nsanje Malawi -16.67 35.22 111 11869
Ntondo city Kigoma Tanzania, United Rep. of -6.14 29.89 5387 0
Ntondo city Eastern Zambia -13.18 32.68 3349 3452
Ntondwe city Zomba Malawi -15.50 35.45 2509 32464
Ntondwe city Southern Zambia -16.13 26.98 3349 1459
Ntondwe Market city Zomba Malawi -15.50 35.45 2509 32464
Ntondweni city KwaZulu-Natal South Africa -28.20 32.16 830 8861
Ntondweni Store city KwaZulu-Natal South Africa -28.20 32.16 830 8861
Ntong city Nord-Ouest Cameroon 6.47 11.12 4189 5066
Ntong city Woleu-Ntem Gabon 1.36 11.40 1748 0
Ntong Uno city Akwa Ibom Nigeria 5.24 7.61 830 26561
Ntonga city Centre Cameroon 3.62 12.57 2096 298
Ntonga city Est Cameroon 3.42 12.67 2057 298
Ntonge city Littoral Cameroon 4.77 10.20 830 298
Ntonggoe city Nusa Tenggara Barat Indonesia -8.53 118.76 830 40683
Ntonggu city Nusa Tenggara Barat Indonesia -8.53 118.76 830 40683
Ntonggu Bau city Nusa Tenggara Barat Indonesia -8.54 118.79 1236 34830
Ntongo city Kongo Central Congo (Dem. Republic of The)-(Zaire) -5.48 15.64 2080 4321
Ntongo city Ouest Rwanda -2.55 29.21 6709 14006
Ntongo city Western Zambia -15.33 23.97 3480 2384
Ntongo city Western Zambia -15.27 23.83 3513 2384
Ntongo-Atani city Cuvette Congo -0.25 17.10 1118 149
Ntongui city Zaire Angola -5.90 13.46 360 45282
Ntongwe city Rutana Burundi -4.05 29.88 5869 22353
Ntongwe city Sud Rwanda -2.23 29.87 5098 47720
Ntongwe city Sud Rwanda -2.19 29.91 5029 44918
Ntongwe city Sud Rwanda -2.13 29.65 6000 50846
Ntongwe city Western Zambia -14.02 23.88 3654 520
Ntoni city Zaire Angola -6.35 14.12 997 894
Ntoni city Pool Congo -3.69 14.53 1669 596
Ntonimba city Koulikoro Mali 12.72 -8.10 1669 324909
Ntonina city Segou Mali 13.04 -5.69 928 4496
Ntonjaneni city KwaZulu-Natal South Africa -28.47 31.34 3556 653
Ntonko city Muchinga Zambia -11.02 33.04 3349 447
Ntonkum city Ghana 6.10 -0.42 830 20787
Ntonso city Ghana 6.83 -1.52 1000 41041
Ntonsua city Ghana 6.20 -1.73 830 41985
Ntontela city Eastern Cape South Africa -31.30 29.27 3349 9981
Ntontsasa city Eastern Cape South Africa -31.21 29.70 2509 16251
Ntonyanga city Nord Rwanda -1.74 30.24 5029 46374
Ntoné city Sud Cameroon 2.72 11.50 1879 905

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