
Alphabetical listing of Places in World

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Ngov city Benue Nigeria 7.36 8.56 830 10603
Ngova city Kaliro Uganda 1.03 33.47 3382 25809
Ngovayang city Sud Cameroon 3.25 10.62 1669 1043
Ngove city Kavango East Namibia -17.90 20.02 3402 240
Ngovie city Embu Kenya -0.42 37.45 5337 70081
Ngovila city Shinyanga Tanzania, United Rep. of -3.92 33.80 3661 4531
Ngovio city Embu Kenya -0.42 37.45 5337 70081
Ngovokohun city Lofa Liberia 8.36 -10.10 1669 894
Ngovokpehun city Southern Sierra Leone 8.11 -12.00 239 9113
Ngovokpohun city Southern Sierra Leone 8.11 -12.00 239 10160

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