
Alphabetical listing of Places in World

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Ngojah city Grand Cape Mount Liberia 7.06 -11.22 416 753
Ngojanpewe city Pemba South Tanzania, United Rep. of -5.37 39.73 3 47785
Ngojeni city Tanga Tanzania, United Rep. of -4.78 39.05 121 8940
Ngoji city Mangochi Malawi -14.53 35.57 2847 15978
Ngoji city Dodoma Tanzania, United Rep. of -5.95 36.68 5029 4250
Ngojikiri city Rivers Nigeria 4.52 6.63 311 11026
Ngojin city Yobe Nigeria 11.59 11.17 1669 14338
Ngojin city Yobe Nigeria 11.60 11.08 1669 22946
Ngojini city Eastern Cape South Africa -32.23 26.75 4189 15663
Ngojini city Eastern Cape South Africa -32.07 28.91 830 12328
Ngojini city Eastern Cape South Africa -31.30 29.55 1856 18802
Ngojn city Eastern Cape South Africa -31.83 27.92 2864 7623

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