
Alphabetical listing of Places in World

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Nduge city Iringa Tanzania, United Rep. of -7.72 36.42 5869 0
Ndugu city Mukono Uganda 0.25 32.70 4189 23200
Ndugu Mbeni city Kwale Kenya -4.37 39.49 150 11273
Nduguno city Borno Nigeria 11.39 14.17 980 4619
Nduguti city Singida Tanzania, United Rep. of -4.30 34.70 5127 5215
Nduguto city Morogoro Tanzania, United Rep. of -7.08 37.58 5029 3725
Ndugutu city Tabora Tanzania, United Rep. of -4.22 33.35 4189 6661

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