
Alphabetical listing of Places in World

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Nauna city Uttar Pradesh India 26.63 82.89 246 93815
Naunaes city Aust-Agder Norway 58.78 7.78 1669 0
Naunagar city Jammu and Kashmir India 33.84 74.96 5328 71085
Naunagar Ganj city Uttar Pradesh India 26.29 83.60 219 97696
Naunagli city Uttar Pradesh India 29.56 77.27 830 55308
Naunagra city Uttar Pradesh India 27.47 79.93 830 49265
Naunagra city Uttar Pradesh India 25.63 83.16 216 104234
Naunahli city Uttar Pradesh India 29.56 77.27 830 55308
Naunak city Tomskaya Oblast' Russia 58.97 80.12 127 0
Naunal city Himachal Pradesh India 30.93 77.53 6709 9289
Naunan city Uttar Pradesh India 28.37 78.78 830 78691
Naunanggar city Xizang China 29.10 89.40 13428 1667
Naunap city //Karas Namibia -26.65 17.17 3349 0
Naunas city Omaheke Namibia -22.72 19.95 4189 141
Naunauco city Neuquen Argentina -37.63 -70.18 3349 0

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