
Alphabetical listing of Places in World

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Natip city Iloilo Philippines 10.97 122.44 351 32587
Natipa city Mozambique -15.17 40.63 3 794
Natipara city Bangladesh 24.67 88.40 111 81629
Natipara city Rajshahi Bangladesh 24.68 88.52 55 69011
Natipata city Huanuco Peru -10.15 -76.62 13428 3083
Natipota city Khulna Bangladesh 23.65 88.71 42 107978
Natipuan city Batangas Philippines 14.11 120.62 328 24606
Natipukuria city Rajshahi Bangladesh 24.89 88.64 32 64016
Natipur city Bihar India 25.81 86.70 131 65075
Natipura city Jammu and Kashmir India 34.05 74.81 5121 338016

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