
Alphabetical listing of Places in World

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Nangābād city Herat Afghanistan 35.27 61.36 3349 894
Nangābād city Herat Afghanistan 34.40 61.59 2667 1117
Nangābād city Farah Afghanistan 32.58 62.10 2509 2167
Nangābād city Herat Afghanistan 34.27 62.36 3349 9456
Nangāl city Jammu and Kashmir India 33.78 74.15 4333 38466
Nangāl city Jammu and Kashmir India 33.22 74.32 3349 7301
Nangāl city Punjab India 31.66 75.54 830 58803
Nangāl city Pakistan 34.05 73.62 5977 6407
Nangāl city Punjab Pakistan 32.16 75.01 830 56337
Nangānwān city Haryana India 28.54 76.43 830 39309

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