
Alphabetical listing of Places in World

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Nainokanoka city Arusha Tanzania, United Rep. of -3.00 35.67 9343 1043
Nainokwe city Lindi Tanzania, United Rep. of -9.10 39.05 830 1788
Nainoli city Uttarakhand India 29.69 79.62 5029 16378
Nainong city Xizang China 29.16 85.98 14527 149
Nainorīkhera city Madhya Pradesh India 23.62 77.77 1669 27947
Nainowal city Punjab India 31.54 75.83 862 58167
Nainowal Baid city Punjab India 31.62 75.73 830 44444
Nainowala city Punjab Pakistan 31.50 71.59 830 12814

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