
Alphabetical listing of Places in World

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Nahul city Kaduna Nigeria 10.28 7.04 1669 2571
Nahula M.A.S city Congo (Dem. Republic of The)-(Zaire) -9.70 22.94 3349 107672
Nahulahula city Sumatera Utara Indonesia 2.62 98.64 5029 9700
Nahulajae city Sumatera Utara Indonesia 1.92 99.74 830 17088
Nahulajulu city Sumatera Utara Indonesia 1.92 99.72 830 15233
Nahulawāli Bhani city Punjab Pakistan 30.36 72.80 830 42402
Nahulid city Northern Samar Philippines 12.37 125.09 29 20563
Nahulid city Southern Leyte Philippines 10.35 125.03 177 10565
Nahulingo city Sonsonate El Salvador 13.70 -89.71 830 78161
Nahulogan city Northern Samar Philippines 12.62 125.07 52 9480

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