
Alphabetical listing of Places in World

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Mpwanchi city Luapula Zambia -11.83 29.89 4189 2199
Mpwape city Pemba North Tanzania, United Rep. of -4.92 39.75 3 26188
Mpwapwa city Dodoma Tanzania, United Rep. of -6.35 36.48 3349 129196
Mpwapwa Airport airport -6.35 36.48 3240 0
Mpwelete city Congo (Dem. Republic of The)-(Zaire) -9.91 23.65 3349 202
Mpwenza city Congo (Dem. Republic of The)-(Zaire) -1.06 19.07 1669 1334
Mpwi city Katanga Congo (Dem. Republic of The)-(Zaire) -2.85 18.02 1049 2384
Mpwoamwpw city Pohnpei Federated States of Micronesia 6.97 158.22 9 7000

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