
Alphabetical listing of Places in World

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Mbuga city Rumonge Burundi -3.94 29.42 2654 12280
Mbuga city Cankuzo Burundi -3.23 30.74 5127 20574
Mbuga city Yobe Nigeria 11.02 11.79 1669 4768
Mbuga city Sud Rwanda -1.78 29.68 5869 58882
Mbuga city Est Rwanda -1.13 30.35 4550 14600
Mbuga city Ouest Rwanda -2.31 29.19 5052 34904
Mbuga city Sud Rwanda -2.49 29.48 7083 33822
Mbuga city Nord Rwanda -1.46 29.96 7549 69214
Mbugani city Nairobi City Kenya -1.32 36.83 5869 757658
Mbugani city Limpopo South Africa -24.88 28.88 3349 8205
Mbugani city Mbeya Tanzania, United Rep. of -7.97 33.30 4261 1043
Mbugani city Iringa Tanzania, United Rep. of -7.62 36.13 4189 0
Mbughetu city Soloman Islands -9.67 160.53 987 894
Mbughona city Soloman Islands -9.79 160.16 1046 765
Mbughulusule city Soloman Islands -8.51 159.66 39 357
Mbugu city Ruvuma Tanzania, United Rep. of -10.90 34.75 4189 6258
Mbugua city Murang'a Kenya -0.78 37.08 5029 73362
Mbugue city Maputo Mozambique -25.15 32.05 830 336
Mbugui city Tanga Tanzania, United Rep. of -4.63 38.43 4189 16241
Mbuguni city Kwale Kenya -4.11 39.56 308 23100
Mbuguni city Tanzania, United Rep. of -3.57 36.95 3349 8878
Mbugw city Geita Tanzania, United Rep. of -3.30 31.30 4189 5868
Mbugwe city Geita Tanzania, United Rep. of -3.30 31.30 4189 5868

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