
Alphabetical listing of Places in World

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Mbida city Tillaberi Niger 14.28 1.35 830 8081
Mbidi city Congo (Dem. Republic of The)-(Zaire) -8.24 24.44 3494 426
Mbidi city Imo Nigeria 5.73 6.89 830 87979
Mbidiam Lebou city Thies Senegal 14.89 -17.08 95 12044
Mbidiam Ouolof city Thies Senegal 14.90 -17.08 95 11780
Mbidiam Wolof city Thies Senegal 14.90 -17.08 95 11780
Mbidiga city Nyanga Gabon -2.67 11.35 2073 145
Mbidihungar city Nusa Tenggara Timur Indonesia -9.90 120.26 2004 2075
Mbidjame Wolof city Thies Senegal 14.90 -17.08 95 11780
Mbidjem city Thies Senegal 14.90 -17.08 95 11780
Mbidlana city Eastern Cape South Africa -31.21 28.42 4412 3106
Mbidou city Mayo-Kebbi Ouest Chad 9.59 15.02 1669 5811
Mbidou city Adamaoua Cameroon 6.98 14.03 4189 1937
Mbidowe city Ouham-Pende Central African Republic 7.42 16.06 1952 1788
Mbidzi city Lilongwe Malawi -14.20 33.92 4189 29507
Mbidzi city Zimbabwe -17.23 30.43 4314 2682
Mbidâne Alambé city Gorgol Mauritania 16.26 -13.49 141 1043
Mbidâne el Ambat city Gorgol Mauritania 16.26 -13.49 141 1043

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