
Alphabetical listing of Places in World

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Mbao city Bengo Angola -8.37 13.47 118 0
Mbao city Congo (Dem. Republic of The)-(Zaire) -5.78 18.73 2647 3576
Mbao city Nord Cameroon 8.14 13.99 1669 596
Mbao city Louga Senegal 15.81 -16.52 3 3707
Mbao city Ruvuma Tanzania, United Rep. of -10.53 35.73 3349 0
Mbaoba city Central African Republic 6.33 21.40 1856 0
Mbaobala city Nord Cameroon 8.19 15.01 1712 596
Mbaobala city Nord Cameroon 8.19 15.01 1712 596
Mbaoen city Nusa Tenggara Timur Indonesia -10.80 123.00 252 19103
Mbaolari city Nord Cameroon 8.35 14.81 1190 596
Mbaole city Soloman Islands -9.62 160.10 3349 894
Mbaoma city Eastern Sierra Leone 8.62 -11.15 1669 15813
Mbaoma city Southern Sierra Leone 7.66 -12.41 6 2939
Mbaoma city Southern Sierra Leone 7.63 -12.00 111 6435
Mbaoma city Southern Sierra Leone 7.85 -12.32 118 11038
Mbaoma city Eastern Sierra Leone 8.76 -10.93 1669 28851
Mbaon Kulon city Jawa Timur Indonesia -8.27 112.45 1669 63675
Mbaon Wetan city Jawa Timur Indonesia -8.27 112.46 1669 65173
Mbaoni city Kilifi Kenya -3.14 40.01 55 13039
Mbaopala city Nord Cameroon 8.40 15.14 1669 596
Mbaouane city Thies Senegal 14.88 -17.13 3 12616
Mbaoussiessou city Lacs Cote D'Ivoire (Ivory Coast) 6.58 -4.27 830 5066

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