
Alphabetical listing of Places in World

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Lueg city Tirol Austria 47.03 11.48 4488 3324
Lueg city Bayern Germany 48.83 13.31 1669 10976
Lueg city Bayern Germany 48.75 13.42 1669 887
Luega city Kigoma Tanzania, United Rep. of -6.32 30.37 4189 0
Lueganuse city Ida-Virumaa Estonia 59.38 27.03 141 5304
Luegbo city Rivers Nigeria 4.67 7.44 830 33972
Luegde city Nordrhein-Westfalen Germany 51.96 9.25 830 33948
Luege city Malanje Angola -9.12 15.65 2509 1945
Luege city Uige Angola -7.82 14.55 2509 2086
Luege city Zaire Angola -6.30 14.30 1669 894
Luege city Uige Angola -6.22 15.18 3349 2235
Luege city Lunda Sul Angola -11.00 20.16 4189 298
Luegen city Baden-Wurttemberg Germany 47.91 9.49 2011 6540
Lueggau city Niedersachsen Germany 53.10 11.07 42 3232
Luegi city Malanje Angola -9.06 15.63 2814 2209
Luegi Novo city Lunda Norte Angola -9.14 19.77 3395 447
Lueguo city Guizhou China 26.24 108.07 3349 13657

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