
Alphabetical listing of Places in World

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Lude city Yunnan China 26.64 103.17 8753 15269
Lude city Guangxi China 23.40 107.67 830 14249
Lude city Yunnan China 23.57 101.30 5029 7712
Lude city Guizhou China 25.98 104.51 5055 31107
Lude city Yunnan China 23.35 103.02 6243 16688
Lude city Yunnan China 23.58 104.30 5249 78561
Lude Luekon city Rivers Nigeria 4.75 7.44 830 33972
Ludedada city Nepal 27.22 85.97 2644 27019
Ludej city Mogila Macedonia 41.13 21.51 2509 1949
Ludeji city Sichuan China 27.80 103.37 6899 12397
Ludek city Tunceli Turkey 39.00 39.70 5029 894
Ludeka city Eastern Cape South Africa -30.82 29.72 3349 15852
Ludeke city Yunnan China 23.46 104.00 5869 18925
Ludeke city Eastern Cape South Africa -30.85 29.74 3349 18250
Ludeke city Eastern Cape South Africa -30.82 29.72 3349 15852
Ludelange city Lorraine France 49.40 5.97 1082 12027
Ludele city Yunnan China 24.19 103.85 6709 6880
Ludelep city Jawa Timur Indonesia -8.29 111.54 830 42551
Ludelingen city Lorraine France 49.40 5.97 1082 12027
Ludell city Kansas United States 39.86 -100.96 2782
Ludelmuhle city Bayern Germany 47.72 11.43 2575 7988
Ludemart city Nordrhein-Westfalen Germany 51.23 7.74 1669 23703
Ludemer city Nordrhein-Westfalen Germany 51.23 7.74 1669 23703
Luden city Niederosterreich Austria 48.90 15.57 1669 4050
Ludenberg city Nordrhein-Westfalen Germany 51.26 6.87 377 166695
Ludendorf city Nordrhein-Westfalen Germany 50.67 6.89 830 39335
Ludendorff city Nordrhein-Westfalen Germany 50.67 6.89 830 39335
Ludeng city Yunnan China 26.32 102.86 6774 71754
Ludengka city Xizang China 31.53 94.03 13451 536
Ludengping city Yunnan China 26.48 103.09 5869 44937
Ludenhausen city Nordrhein-Westfalen Germany 52.08 9.01 830 12661
Ludenhausen city Bayern Germany 47.93 10.96 2509 1500
Ludenhütte city Niedersachsen Germany 53.74 8.68 9 8101
Ludenscheid city Nordrhein-Westfalen Germany 51.22 7.63 1669 69756
Luderbach city Hessen Germany 51.07 10.13 948 5038
Luderbach city Bayern Germany 48.42 13.11 1145 2501
Luderbach city Bayern Germany 48.58 12.94 1669 3828
Luderich city Nordrhein-Westfalen Germany 50.92 7.22 830 25077
Luderitz city //Karas Namibia -26.65 15.16 249 12847
Luderitzbucht city Eastern Cape South Africa -31.10 26.06 5269 93
Luderov city Olomoucky Kraj Czech Republic 49.58 17.05 971 3989
Luders city Franche-Comte France 47.69 6.50 977 13256
Ludersburg city Niedersachsen Germany 53.32 10.57 22 1889
Ludersbuttel city Schleswig-Holstein Germany 54.22 9.36 85 7292
Ludersdorf city Steiermark Austria 47.10 15.68 1669 9617
Ludersdorf city Steiermark Austria 46.90 15.87 1181 9407
Ludersdorf city Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Germany 53.83 10.81 59 20201
Ludersdorf city Brandenburg Germany 52.93 14.07 180 6378
Ludersdorf city Brandenburg Germany 52.70 14.08 229 7599
Ludersdorf city Brandenburg Germany 52.19 13.29 124 0
Ludersdorf city Bayern Germany 48.59 12.56 1669 8652
Ludershagen city Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Germany 53.72 12.26 65 4203
Ludershausen city Niedersachsen Germany 53.35 10.45 26 14809
Ludersheim city Bayern Germany 49.39 11.32 1669 17450
Ludershof city Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Germany 53.58 13.02 219 3052
Ludes city Champagne-Ardenne France 49.15 4.08 830 6855
Ludesar city Haryana India 29.37 75.10 830 28647
Ludesch city Vorarlberg Austria 47.20 9.78 2509 13851
Ludesch Heliport airport 47.20 9.78 1804 0
Ludescherberg city Vorarlberg Austria 47.20 9.82 5367 11122
Ludesd city Hunedoara Romania 45.72 23.18 2024 1582
Ludesse city Auvergne France 45.61 3.11 1768 7008
Ludesti city Dambovita Romania 44.87 25.23 830 6157
Ludevine city Louisiana United States 29.59 -90.43 3
Ludewa city Njombe Tanzania, United Rep. of -10.10 34.65 4189 2682
Ludewala city Punjab Pakistan 30.91 70.89 830 25718
Ludewala city Punjab Pakistan 30.11 70.62 410 47525
Ludewāla city Punjab Pakistan 32.14 72.66 830 175245
Ludewāla city Punjab Pakistan 31.79 71.16 830 33863
Ludeşti city Hunedoara Romania 45.72 23.18 2024 1582
Ludeştii de Jos city Hunedoara Romania 45.72 23.18 2024 1582
Ludeştii de Sus city Hunedoara Romania 45.73 23.17 1141 1595

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