
Alphabetical listing of Places in World

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Loek city Maluku Indonesia -5.31 132.00 6 2644
Loek city Indonesia -1.27 122.55 3 868
Loek city Kalimantan Barat Indonesia 1.05 112.37 229 434
Loeka city Equateur Congo (Dem. Republic of The)-(Zaire) 2.19 22.64 1669 4768
Loekholm city Varsinais-Suomi Finland 59.92 21.88 0 0
Loekoeang city Kalimantan Selatan Indonesia -3.21 114.81 75 4041
Loekoelamo city Indonesia 0.45 127.93 0 416
Loekoep city Aceh Indonesia 4.41 97.52 892 149
Loekpye city Shan State Burma 20.33 97.34 4189 5066
Loeksagoe city Sulawesi Tengah Indonesia -1.27 123.43 72 3817

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