
Alphabetical listing of Places in World

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Kuliya city Chhattisgarh India 20.98 82.44 1036 19404
Kuliya city Ad Dali` Yemen 13.80 44.57 4189 10919
Kuliyakal city Karnataka India 14.68 74.61 1669 14340
Kuliyamakhi city Dagestan Russia 42.08 47.34 6709 5015
Kuliyan city Jammu and Kashmir India 32.51 74.93 954 33506
Kuliyapitiya city North Western Sri Lanka 7.47 80.04 282 53909
Kuliyat city Kerala India 12.25 75.26 377 60087
Kuliyawgo city Ghana 10.94 -0.74 830 19546
Kuliyeh Dar city Khuzestan Iran 32.06 49.17 830 4596
Kuliyāna city Rajasthan India 27.60 77.14 830 48935
Kuliyāni city Uttarakhand India 29.99 79.01 5869 17748

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