
Alphabetical listing of Places in World

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Kulim city Riau Indonesia 0.52 101.48 72 262239
Kulim city Semnan Iran 36.01 53.48 6017 8195
Kulim city Kedah Malaysia 5.36 100.56 190 94060
Kulima city North-Western Zambia -12.24 26.73 4494 745
Kulimakulima city Western Zambia -15.40 23.40 3517 2384
Kulimandal city Pakistan 34.28 73.90 8389 4321
Kulimat city Jubbada Dhexe Somalia 1.64 42.21 357 1788
Kulimbaku city Sumatera Selatan Indonesia -2.72 103.78 131 4581
Kulimegeri city Karnataka India 14.25 77.24 2017 26658
Kulimp city Western Highlands Papua New Guinea -5.48 144.12 3661 4646
Kulimugou city Hebei China 41.15 116.63 2604 39999
Kulimul city Jammu and Kashmir India 33.50 75.58 6709 298

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