
Alphabetical listing of Places in World

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Koeba Lahin city Maluku Indonesia -3.36 126.94 262 5038
Koebach city Nordrhein-Westfalen Germany 50.86 7.40 830 19010
Koebach city Nordrhein-Westfalen Germany 50.86 7.39 830 15388
Koebang city Jawa Barat Indonesia -7.16 107.95 2509 233050
Koebang city Jawa Barat Indonesia -7.39 107.25 830 22125
Koebang city Jawa Barat Indonesia -7.00 107.25 3349 43059
Koebang city Jawa Barat Indonesia -7.31 108.39 830 166151
Koebang city Jawa Barat Indonesia -7.16 108.46 1820 93479
Koebang city Jawa Barat Indonesia -7.03 108.62 344 140720
Koebang 2 city Jawa Barat Indonesia -7.04 108.08 2509 105519
Koebang Dua city Jawa Tengah Indonesia -7.27 108.64 948 43087
Koebang Satu city Jawa Barat Indonesia -7.20 108.38 1003 99341
Koebangbadak city Jawa Barat Indonesia -7.30 107.78 4189 173620
Koebangbatara city Jawa Barat Indonesia -7.32 108.14 1669 278395
Koebangboeleud 1 city Jawa Barat Indonesia -7.29 108.16 1669 275968
Koebangbuleud 2 city Jawa Barat Indonesia -7.29 108.15 1669 249482
Koebangdawa city Jawa Barat Indonesia -7.55 108.55 918 20371
Koebangetjeng city Jawa Barat Indonesia -7.30 108.13 1669 231499
Koebangnandoea city Sumatera Barat Indonesia -0.90 100.75 2910 24633
Koebangpandjang city Jawa Barat Indonesia -7.32 108.14 1669 278395
Koebangpari city Jawa Barat Indonesia -7.45 108.54 830 73782
Koebangroke city Jawa Barat Indonesia -7.28 107.77 4189 141337
Koebangsaat city Jawa Barat Indonesia -7.70 108.36 830 23119
Koebangtaipeureuh city Jawa Barat Indonesia -7.32 108.13 1669 256214
Koebas Hoek city Northern Cape South Africa -29.81 19.59 3349 0
Koebawi city Jeonbuk Korea, Republic of (South) 35.95 127.84 1669 4943
Koebbelitz city Sachsen-Anhalt Germany 52.59 11.10 229 2533
Koebbinghausen city Niedersachsen Germany 52.83 8.60 147 4034
Koebbinghausen city Nordrhein-Westfalen Germany 51.19 7.82 1669 13516
Koebeeb city Western Cape South Africa -30.63 18.76 3349 0
Koebeep city Northern Cape South Africa -30.57 18.80 2726 0
Koebeln city Sachsen Germany 51.57 14.71 367 12741
Koebens city Niedersachsen Germany 53.07 9.08 62 17614
Koeberg city Northern Cape South Africa -29.74 18.50 3349 0
Koeberg city Free State South Africa -28.51 28.53 6266 494
Koeberg city Limpopo South Africa -22.71 28.33 2719 150
Koeberg city Free State South Africa -27.32 26.82 4445 1228
Koeberg city Limpopo South Africa -22.73 28.33 2831 149
Koeberlberg city Steiermark Austria 46.97 15.97 1013 8290
Koebiari city Indonesia -2.80 134.52 3 1695
Koebiul city Gyeonggi Korea, Republic of (South) 37.28 127.37 830 56393
Koeblitz city Sachsen Germany 51.10 14.48 882 10708
Koebo city Kepulauan Riau Indonesia 1.06 104.46 88 44927
Koebob city Northern Cape South Africa -28.77 20.83 2509 535
Koeboe city Bali Indonesia -8.25 115.57 95 21322
Koeboe city Aceh Indonesia 5.18 96.81 114 48451
Koeboe city Kalimantan Timur Indonesia 0.70 115.13 830 400
Koeboe city Kalimantan Barat Indonesia -0.49 109.36 3 6286
Koeboe city Indonesia -0.38 115.72 377 427
Koeboe Penelokan city Bali Indonesia -8.28 115.37 4189 40340
Koeboebatoe city Lampung Indonesia -5.48 104.99 374 61367
Koeboeberingin city Riau Indonesia 0.40 100.83 242 1593
Koeboegadjah city Lampung Indonesia -5.82 104.60 203 4662
Koeboegas city Northern Cape South Africa -29.62 17.88 2933 14746
Koeboehiboe city Lampung Indonesia -5.72 104.54 374 3952
Koeboekantoe city Kalimantan Barat Indonesia 0.85 111.70 298 1460
Koeboekolklaagte city Northern Cape South Africa -30.70 20.87 3349 0
Koeboelaja city Kalimantan Utara Indonesia 1.64 115.13 1669 238
Koeboelangkŏ city Lampung Indonesia -5.65 105.00 830 12946
Koeboeloegor city Lampung Indonesia -5.75 104.50 104 6421
Koeboelongbakoeng city Kalimantan Timur Indonesia 0.97 115.07 862 149
Koeboemesaai city Kalimantan Utara Indonesia 1.51 115.08 1669 1
Koeboemesai city Kalimantan Utara Indonesia 1.51 115.08 1669 1
Koeboeng city Maluku Utara Indonesia -0.76 127.45 1236 1326
Koeboepisang city Sumatera Barat Indonesia 0.29 100.44 866 1173
Koeboeranserani city Indonesia -6.05 106.67 3 195627
Koeboesaliman city Lampung Indonesia -5.90 104.63 29 4266
Koeboesaroek city Lampung Indonesia -5.77 104.50 82 5803
Koeboetambahan city Bali Indonesia -8.08 115.17 219 50494
Koeboetengah city Lampung Indonesia -5.11 104.21 1774 5420
Koebroeken city Drenthe Netherlands 52.96 6.61 45 22210
Koebroeksveld city Drenthe Netherlands 53.01 6.63 45 32638
Koebrug city Vlaanderen Belgium 51.17 4.00 9 26424
Koebyon-mal city Chungnam Korea, Republic of (South) 36.67 126.90 196 25462

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