
Alphabetical listing of Places in World

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Keul city Irkutskaya Oblast' Russia 58.44 102.80 830 0
Keul' city Irkutskaya Oblast' Russia 58.44 102.80 830 0
Keula city Sachsen Germany 51.52 14.72 830 20729
Keula city Sachsen Germany 51.39 14.24 403 10930
Keula city Thuringen Germany 51.33 10.53 1669 4790
Keula - Kulowc city Sachsen Germany 51.39 14.24 403 10930
Keulakairi city Kindia Guinea 10.15 -13.63 239 2682
Keulan city Punjab Pakistan 32.68 72.50 2798 14738
Keulele city Aceh Indonesia 5.06 97.24 101 31659
Keulen city Limpopo South Africa -24.50 29.33 3349 4961
Keulen city Limpopo South Africa -23.95 30.36 2660 17500
Keulen van Gelderland city Gelderland Netherlands 51.77 5.94 65 21890
Keulendam city Vlaanderen Belgium 51.08 4.28 9 39552
Keulenhof city Vlaanderen Belgium 50.93 4.68 62 61158
Keulenieki city Livanu Novads Latvia 56.40 26.45 324 556
Keulenshoeve city Vlaanderen Belgium 51.00 4.65 36 39784
Keulenstraat city Vlaanderen Belgium 50.93 4.90 209 20355
Keuleu city West Cameroon 5.53 10.39 4340 62128
Keuleubah city Aceh Indonesia 4.41 96.05 104 8929
Keuleum city Indonesia 0.93 109.97 1850 1734
Keuleumbah city Aceh Indonesia 4.41 96.05 104 8929
Keulori city Bauchi Nigeria 12.00 10.43 1669 10457
Keulos city Hessen Germany 50.54 9.74 1092 48615
Keulrod city Thuringen Germany 50.55 10.69 1794 14978
Keulse Kamp city Gelderland Netherlands 51.95 5.82 29 60821
Keulu city Katanga Congo (Dem. Republic of The)-(Zaire) -7.06 26.89 2509 1043
Keuluang city Aceh Indonesia 5.25 95.32 1981 8334
Keul’ city Irkutskaya Oblast' Russia 58.44 102.80 830 0

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