
Alphabetical listing of Places in World

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Joal city Thies Senegal 14.17 -16.83 6 34093
Joal-Fadiout city Thies Senegal 14.17 -16.83 6 34093
Joala city Ida-Virumaa Estonia 59.42 28.02 118 6592
Joala city Ida-Virumaa Estonia 59.40 28.16 98 40931
Joalaca city Ocotepeque Honduras 14.45 -88.75 4189 8797
Joalampe city Sulawesi Selatan Indonesia -5.24 120.17 830 32113
Joalapur city Jammu and Kashmir India 33.14 75.93 7096 1359
Joalbhanga city Bangladesh 24.52 90.66 22 155693
Joalbhanga city Barisal Bangladesh 22.06 90.13 6 43001
Joali city Ghana 8.68 0.12 370 3571
Joali city Chiapas Mexico 16.77 -93.20 2070 128403
Joalli city Gyeonggi Korea, Republic of (South) 37.55 127.28 830 68452

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