
Alphabetical listing of Places in World

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Isem Menli city Lebap Turkmenistan 38.13 64.72 830 1173
Isemachi city Gunma Japan 36.58 138.85 1102 7498
Iseman Crossroads city South Carolina United States 34.27 -79.95 183
Isemba city Plateaux Congo -1.41 16.19 1003 596
Isembay city Atyrau Kazakhstan 46.63 49.03 -1689 149
Isember city Taraba Nigeria 7.46 10.17 830 6263
Isembertheville city Haute-Normandie France 49.77 1.36 246 2406
Iseme city Congo (Dem. Republic of The)-(Zaire) -4.89 18.83 1194 7152
Iseme city Congo (Dem. Republic of The)-(Zaire) -4.57 19.14 1686 7152
Iseme city KwaZulu-Natal South Africa -27.85 32.22 830 316
Iseme city Shinyanga Tanzania, United Rep. of -3.43 32.88 4189 3725
Isemetovo city Bashkortostan Russia 55.46 54.06 830 1316
Isemi city Nigeria 7.98 3.37 1033 8642
Isemi city Nigeria 8.33 3.57 1128 0
Isemi Ile city Nigeria 7.98 3.37 1033 8642
Iseml Iene city Souss-Massa-Draa Morocco 30.61 -6.69 4189 0
Isemlalen city Souss-Massa-Draa Morocco 29.60 -9.96 830 4903
Isemmar city Tanger-Tetouan Morocco 35.20 -5.00 1669 7907
Isemmeteva city Bashkortostan Russia 55.46 54.06 830 1316
Isemoto city Kumamoto Japan 32.25 130.93 830 17131

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