
Alphabetical listing of Places in World

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Ingba city Benue Nigeria 7.20 9.33 830 12555
Ingbak city Jeonnam Korea, Republic of (South) 34.65 126.30 16 6371
Ingbanjir city Benue Nigeria 7.32 8.75 830 8344
Ingbar city Benue Nigeria 7.19 9.32 830 12995
Ingber city Limburg Netherlands 50.82 5.86 830 24070
Ingberg Tracts city South Dakota United States 43.56 -96.65 1669
Ingbirchworth city Barnsley United Kingdom 53.55 -1.67 830 55420
Ingbo city Congo (Dem. Republic of The)-(Zaire) 4.27 27.74 2509 298
Ingbo city Uppsala Sweden 60.03 16.80 190 427
Ingbo city Uppsala Sweden 60.15 16.83 216 226
Ingboko city Benue Nigeria 7.11 9.24 830 16251
Ingborgbo city Uppsala Sweden 60.20 17.27 131 450
Ingborgbo city Vastmanland Sweden 59.98 16.63 167 3651
Ingbough city Benue Nigeria 7.14 9.14 830 15978
Ingbundu city Katanga Congo (Dem. Republic of The)-(Zaire) 3.73 26.73 1998 298
Ingby city Aland Finland 60.17 19.95 16 4044

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