
Alphabetical listing of Places in World

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Idok city Sistan va Baluchestan Iran 26.61 61.24 3349 596
Idok city Korea, Dem. Peoples Rep. of (North) 40.53 128.18 3349 2846
Idoke city Rivers Nigeria 5.03 6.67 830 32180
Idokho city Busia Kenya 0.05 34.00 3740 30327
Idoko city Antananarivo Madagascar -18.18 46.44 3349 1589
Idoko city Nigeria 7.72 4.75 1669 23161
Idokofo city Benin 11.24 2.99 971 2533
Idokogo city Estuaire Gabon 0.58 9.31 0 0

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