
Alphabetical listing of Places in World

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Huts city Baden-Wurttemberg Germany 47.97 9.83 2509 6034
Huts'a city Tigray Ethiopia 14.39 39.43 7562 17928
Hutsak city Jammu and Kashmir India 33.33 75.30 6709 18015
Hutschdorf city Bayern Germany 50.04 11.42 1181 13873
Hutschenhausen city Rheinland-Pfalz Germany 49.42 7.48 830 14064
Hutscheroda city Thuringen Germany 51.03 10.46 971 7700
Hutsel city Vlaanderen Belgium 51.46 5.07 72 10174
Hutsell city Tennessee United States 35.46 -84.61 990
Hutseo city Ainaro East Timor -9.14 125.59 1174 4135
Hutseo city Ainaro East Timor -9.15 125.58 1122 4150
Hutsepot city Vlaanderen Belgium 51.01 3.70 22 91643
Hutshi city Yukon Canada 61.15 -136.53 4189 0
Hutson (historical) city Ohio United States 41.02 -81.02 1040
Hutson Corner city North Carolina United States 36.27 -76.65 39
Hutson Grove (historical) city Tennessee United States 35.87 -89.19 298
Hutsonville city Illinois United States 39.11 -87.66 830
Hutstein city Oberosterreich Austria 48.56 13.80 2509 4528
Hutstuckl city Oberosterreich Austria 47.70 14.20 3441 2822
Huts’a city Tigray Ethiopia 14.39 39.43 7562 17928

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