
Alphabetical listing of Places in World

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Heuland city Basse-Normandie France 49.28 -0.00 413 6051
Heule city Wallonie Belgium 50.34 4.26 830 19181
Heule city Vlaanderen Belgium 50.84 3.24 45 70711
Heulebrug city Vlaanderen Belgium 51.33 3.23 3 45749
Heuleken city Vlaanderen Belgium 51.23 3.70 6 8252
Heulen city Wallonie Belgium 50.34 4.26 830 19181
Heulendonck city Vlaanderen Belgium 51.18 3.50 26 28633
Heulendonk city Vlaanderen Belgium 51.18 3.50 26 28633
Heuleu city Wallonie Belgium 50.34 4.26 830 19181
Heuleur city Jawa Barat Indonesia -7.15 108.16 1778 161978
Heuleut city Jawa Barat Indonesia -6.79 108.17 298 130856
Heuleut city Jawa Barat Indonesia -6.86 108.26 1089 132940
Heuleut city Jawa Barat Indonesia -6.79 108.39 1020 127550
Heuleut city Jawa Barat Indonesia -6.88 107.77 3349 197803
Heuleut city Jawa Barat Indonesia -7.00 108.56 830 232641
Heuleut Kaler city Jawa Barat Indonesia -7.01 108.57 410 199815
Heuleut Kidul city Jawa Barat Indonesia -7.02 108.57 410 199815
Heulgot city Gyeonggi Korea, Republic of (South) 37.21 126.55 22 2437
Heulingshof city Rheinland-Pfalz Germany 50.44 7.14 1669 6592
Heuloh city Bayern Germany 50.16 12.15 1899 42539
Heult city Noord-Brabant Netherlands 51.62 5.33 19 55620
Heultje city Vlaanderen Belgium 51.09 4.84 29 32929
Heulusse city Niederosterreich Austria 48.64 16.77 830 3120

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