
Alphabetical listing of Places in World

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Hels city Schleswig-Holstein Germany 53.97 9.01 9 7331
Helsa city Hessen Germany 51.26 9.69 1669 6915
Helsby city Cheshire West and Chester United Kingdom 53.27 -2.77 249 40613
Helsche Bosch city Limpopo South Africa -23.78 30.02 5029 767
Helschen city Niedersachsen Germany 52.41 7.34 101 8072
Helscherfahre city Niedersachsen Germany 52.40 7.32 88 5564
Helschot city Vlaanderen Belgium 51.07 4.95 49 18820
Helsdingen city Zuid-Holland Netherlands 51.98 5.06 3 62657
Helsdorf city Sachsen Germany 50.94 12.76 961 22150
Helsdries city Vlaanderen Belgium 51.02 3.77 36 77727
Helse city Schleswig-Holstein Germany 53.97 9.01 9 7331
Helsea city Lincolnshire United Kingdom 53.23 0.27 26 6632
Helsem city Luxembourg Luxembourg 49.65 6.14 1230 63062
Helsen city Hessen Germany 51.39 9.01 892 21356
Helsendries city Vlaanderen Belgium 51.05 3.65 22 91956
Helsenwarfen city Niedersachsen Germany 53.64 7.71 9 5373
Helserbruch city Nordrhein-Westfalen Germany 52.21 8.89 239 47491
Helserdeich city Schleswig-Holstein Germany 53.98 8.99 16 7327
Helset city More og Romsdal Norway 62.60 7.15 1669 993
Helsey city Lincolnshire United Kingdom 53.23 0.27 26 6632
Helshan city Kukes Albania 42.22 20.28 1233 4286
Helshani city Kukes Albania 42.22 20.28 1233 4286
Helshar city Kukes Albania 42.22 20.28 1233 4286
Helsho city Slemani Iraq 36.21 45.26 3467 5806
Helsho city Slemani Iraq 36.21 45.28 4189 5796
Helshoogte city Western Cape South Africa -34.07 21.70 830 421
Helshoogtenek city Western Cape South Africa -33.92 18.92 1669 30286
Helshoven city Vlaanderen Belgium 50.79 5.28 262 21788
Helsing Junction city Washington United States 46.81 -123.12 190
Helsingberg city Dalarna Sweden 60.60 15.68 830 4709
Helsingbo city Dalarna Sweden 60.45 16.18 393 298
Helsingbo city Dalarna Sweden 60.37 16.25 830 379
Helsingborg city Skane Sweden 56.05 12.70 95 24157
Helsingborgas city Skane Sweden 56.05 12.70 95 24157
Helsingborgi vald city Skane Sweden 56.05 12.70 95 24157
Helsingborja city Skane Sweden 56.05 12.70 95 24157
Helsingborn city Dalarna Sweden 60.60 15.77 830 5163
Helsingby city Pohjanmaa Finland 63.03 21.80 22 7513
Helsinge city Sjaelland Denmark 55.52 11.21 29 5352
Helsinge city Hovedstaden Denmark 56.02 12.20 65 13624
Helsinge city Varsinais-Suomi Finland 60.60 21.43 0 337
Helsinge city Nyland Finland 60.28 24.98 59 133078
Helsinge Kyrkoby city Nyland Finland 60.28 24.98 59 133078
Helsinge Tofte city Hovedstaden Denmark 56.02 12.18 65 12805
Helsingfors city Nyland Finland 60.18 24.93 85 132336
Helsinghausen city Niedersachsen Germany 52.36 9.39 180 5724
Helsingi city Nyland Finland 60.18 24.93 85 132336
Helsingia city Nyland Finland 60.18 24.93 85 132336
Helsingin pitäjän kirkonkylä city Nyland Finland 60.28 24.98 59 133078
Helsinginkyla city Varsinais-Suomi Finland 60.60 21.43 0 337
Helsinginkylae city Varsinais-Suomi Finland 60.60 21.43 0 337
Helsinginniemi city Varsinais-Suomi Finland 60.60 21.43 0 337
Helsinginpitaejae city Nyland Finland 60.28 24.98 59 133078
Helsinginpitaja city Nyland Finland 60.28 24.98 59 133078
Helsingioras city Hovedstaden Denmark 56.03 12.59 95 29633
Helsingjaborg city Skane Sweden 56.05 12.70 95 24157
Helsingjaeyri city Hovedstaden Denmark 56.03 12.59 95 29633
Helsingkiranta city Varsinais-Suomi Finland 60.60 21.43 0 337
Helsingoburgum city Skane Sweden 56.05 12.70 95 24157
Helsingor city Hovedstaden Denmark 56.03 12.59 95 29633
Helsingstrand city Dalarna Sweden 60.58 15.68 305 3538
Helsingør city Hovedstaden Denmark 56.03 12.59 95 29633
Helsinki city Varsinais-Suomi Finland 60.60 21.43 0 337
Helsinki city Nyland Finland 60.18 24.93 85 132336
Helsinkiranta city Varsinais-Suomi Finland 60.60 21.43 0 337
Helsinkis city Nyland Finland 60.18 24.93 85 132336
Helsinkium city Nyland Finland 60.18 24.93 85 132336
Helsinko city Nyland Finland 60.18 24.93 85 132336
Helsinky city Nyland Finland 60.18 24.93 85 132336
Helsinqui city Nyland Finland 60.18 24.93 85 132336
Helsinqui - Helsinki city Nyland Finland 60.18 24.93 85 132336
Helsirigama Colony city Central Sri Lanka 7.07 80.66 3349 69696
Helsjon city Vastra Gotaland Sweden 57.60 12.40 383 1865
Helsjøn city Vastra Gotaland Sweden 57.60 12.40 383 1865
Helsmuhde city Niedersachsen Germany 53.52 7.37 6 11448
Helsned city Syddanmark Denmark 54.84 10.68 42 1821
Helspoort city Lesotho -29.87 27.40 5954 9899
Helspoort city Eastern Cape South Africa -33.18 26.35 1893 149
Helsset city Nyland Finland 60.18 24.93 85 132336
Helstad city Nordland Norway 65.12 12.50 830 0
Helstad city More og Romsdal Norway 62.27 6.92 2539 47
Helsted city Midtjylland Denmark 56.48 9.99 78 28747
Helston city Manitoba Canada 50.13 -99.10 980 149
Helston city KwaZulu-Natal South Africa -30.05 29.79 3349 6827
Helston city Cornwall United Kingdom 50.10 -5.27 219 15474
Helstone city Cornwall United Kingdom 50.10 -5.27 219 15474
Helstorf city Niedersachsen Germany 52.59 9.59 131 3725
Helstraat city Vlaanderen Belgium 50.87 4.90 180 9866
Helstroff city Lorraine France 49.15 6.47 954 7123
Helstrup city Midtjylland Denmark 56.43 9.89 36 4306
Helstrup city Midtjylland Denmark 56.15 8.88 190 11242
Helsungen city Sachsen-Anhalt Germany 51.79 11.00 830 13834
Helsínquia city Nyland Finland 60.18 24.93 85 132336
Helsö city Aland Finland 59.95 20.95 29 206
Helsėnkis city Nyland Finland 60.18 24.93 85 132336

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